mine would be that 1. most fluffy stories are boring, they lack plot/ conflict, and if they do have a plot/conflict its really generic. the characters most of the time are uninteresting. i prefer angst, but angst can also be really boring if the characters arent interesting. 2. "lost in the Cloud" is genuinely top 3 best "bls", would be #1 if douk......
mine would be that 1. most fluffy stories are boring, they lack plot/ conflict, and if they do have a plot/conflict its really generic. the characters most of the time are uninteresting. i prefer angst, but angst can also be really boring if the characters arent interesting. 2. "lost in the Cloud" is genuinely top 3 best "bls" if not #1, the day h......
mine would be that 1. most fluffy stories are boring, they lack plot, and if they do have a plot its really generic. the characters most of the time are uninteresting. i prefer angst, but angst can also be really boring if the characters arent interesting. 2. lost in the cloud is genuinely top 3 best "bls", the day hikaru died would be up there is......
Please I need help!! I need tips for a glowup. Whether it be skincare (maybe like acne, textured and sensitive skin, or rosacea), body care (like a shower routine, body odor, back acne, hyperpigmentation,& shaving), workout (like how to get rid of loose belly and arm fat, toned skin, and hourglass figure) , diet ( like what to eat and not to, maybe......
We get the forums are back, and we're happy. However, we don't need 300 questions saying "omg the forums are back". if you don't want the forums back no one is forcing you to be here. It's a manga site go read manga. Instead can we talk about stuff that's actually important or funny. We're all 2 years older talk about that or smth.
whats changed for you while the site was down??