ani ta answered question about sexual orientation
with CC Sakura's cast. there's depiction of bi, gay and lesbian characters that at my 12yo was "hey, feel related" and reaaly love all of them. now am non binary ^w^
ani ta answered question about skipping class
am enby and pan (╯ಠ⌣ಠ)╯╧╧
ani ta like the answer
A bunch of cishets being assholes for literally no reason in the comments. Btw people can tell you know? That you’re homophobic..... when your response to someone coming out is making a joke out of it or being rude. But hey thanks for exposing yourselves. Now I know who to avoid :)
ani ta answered question about skipping class
im pan (╯ಠ⌣ಠ)╯╧╧