lust made her happy then she should be satisfied with this, i hate her for lusting after anna
but no lie, nux still has one shit of a personality, and i kinda see why owen never really got the chance to explain since nuc kept saying he didn't want any gift alive or some sort
holy shit.... got raped and now has to take responsibility oh lord
miyabi's family can fuck themselves my baby deserves so much better
the fact that her and penelope had shared traits is so fucking painful like pls im sorry not sorry burn eckarts asses and go to hell
I fucking bawled my eyes out
im fucking sobbing no words can explain how i feel
but helll NO i feel bad for rivera like im really curious about paresa's story like wtf happened
i think this shit of an emperor somehow feels bad for the crusty auntie idk they both are shit
lust made her happy then she should be satisfied with this, i hate her for lusting after anna