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dune April 9, 2021 3:15 am

The shy one has no regard for his brother,, literally just expects him to do everything for him. Both relationships would be toxic but I'm pretty sure the "enemies to lovers" would have a redemption arc but if it were the shy one and raon, then he would've learned nothing and still have gotten the guy without even putting in the effort

Megan March 28, 2019 11:41 pm

I've been reading this since it first started being released and it's still super messed up. He kidnapped him and raped him several times and y'all coming out here and saying it's hot? You're all old enough to understand that this is gross especially if you can have a "lady boner." These comments that support it make this even more sick. I know it's "just a story" but if you can't even give made up characters some semblance of human decency than I wouldn't expect much with actual people.

edit: You can have psychological plots that are done correctly with the most horrific behavior and actions of the each and every one of the characters, but it becomes messed up when the author and their audience don't understand why those actions are horrific or why people are disturbed. You understand that what goes on is wrong but that's where the reasoning ends. Scenes can be difficult to read because of the gore and because of the motives but as long as it's understood that what is happening is wrong then it stays in the clear. Reading horror and psych doesn't make you a bad person; saying that you understand the fact that it was wrong and knowing that you should feel guilty because you think someone being raped is hot, does. I didn't sit through the scenes, nor did I read through them because I liked the story, I was waiting for the point where the actions of the characters would have consequences and evidently this story is messed up because they have none. He kidnapped him, raped him, and now they have a budding romance. I again understand that this is just a story but the person who wrote has this mindset and the people who read do too. Saying you're all gross was a mistake on my part but there are good psychological stories that do things like this right, this one just doesn't.

    Ailuros March 27, 2019 3:43 am

    wow, what an egocentric view of life you have. fair enough if you don't like it, but saying your opinions apply to everyone else? nah fam.

    Megan March 27, 2019 5:08 am
    wow, what an egocentric view of life you have. fair enough if you don't like it, but saying your opinions apply to everyone else? nah fam. Ailuros

    e g o c e n t r i c for having common sense? It's one thing to like rape content but oh boy is it another to defend it. Society doesn't take kindly to people to sexualize rape and I honestly don't want to live in a society that defends people who want to "explore the dark appeal of it."

    36524 March 27, 2019 5:26 am
    e g o c e n t r i c for having common sense? It's one thing to like rape content but oh boy is it another to defend it. Society doesn't take kindly to people to sexualize rape and I honestly don't want to liv... Megan


    >Fake Potato< March 27, 2019 6:35 am

    I couldn't agree more.

    Nyx March 28, 2019 3:39 pm

    Lol they ain't even real chill dude

    AichiS. March 28, 2019 6:53 pm
    e g o c e n t r i c for having common sense? It's one thing to like rape content but oh boy is it another to defend it. Society doesn't take kindly to people to sexualize rape and I honestly don't want to liv... Megan

    Your morals are strong and I'm glad you have the courage to tell people what you think is wrong and to show them their mistakes but that's not how this works, and like the other people who've stuck around to read this I would like to explain to you your mistake. You are reading this just like the rest of us. You are just as guilty as the rest of us. That last sex seen where Dohyun gave in, was amazing. Do you know why the author puts in the sex scenes in to begin with? Because it was intended to give you conflicting emotions. You were supposed think that it was hot. You were supposed to hate yourself a little bit after thinking that cause you know that it's wrong. That's the point. Claiming that you dont feel anything or calling people disgusting because they said it was hot after a rape scene is one the weirdest things you could say. You read it too. Sat through all the sex scenes hell most of the story was sex and rape. It makes you just as disgusting and gross as the rest of us. Especially when you didn't decide earlier on that you were so disgusted you needed to stop reading. So if you're gonna keep reading you aren't allowed to tell the rest of us what we should and should not feel when you indulge in this story too.

    Oshiete March 28, 2019 9:51 pm

    Dude, people are angry at you not bc they defend rape, its because you just had to comment things like “youre all gross” when actually this is only a gay porn manga. Theres a different kind of genre in porn. You cant just comment bad things when the genre is not to your like man, thats not very nice. If you like fluffy porn, then just ignore this type of psychological/dark genre. You cant expect every porn to be all fluffy and lovey dovey man. People read porn just for pleasure, not for some moral education, thats just common sense.

    Megan March 28, 2019 11:33 pm
    Your morals are strong and I'm glad you have the courage to tell people what you think is wrong and to show them their mistakes but that's not how this works, and like the other people who've stuck around to re... AichiS.

    You can have psychological plots that are done correctly with the most horrific behavior and actions of the each and every one of the character, but it becomes messed up when the author and their audience don't understand why those actions are horrific or why people are disturbed. You understand that what goes on is wrong but that's where the reasoning ends. Scenes can be difficult to read because of the gore and because of the motives but as long as it's understood that what is happening is wrong then it stays in the clear. Reading horror and psych doesn't make you a bad person; saying that you understand the fact that it was wrong and knowing that you should feel guilty because you think someone being raped is hot, does. I didn't sit through the scenes, nor did I read through them because I liked the story, I was waiting for the point where the actions of the characters would have consequences and evidently this story is messed up because they have none. He kidnapped him, raped him, and now they have a budding romance. I again understand that this is just a story but the person who wrote has this mindset and the people who read do too. Saying you're all gross was a mistake on my part but there are good psychological stories that do things like this right, this one just doesn't.

    Kakigoori March 29, 2019 12:59 am
    You can have psychological plots that are done correctly with the most horrific behavior and actions of the each and every one of the character, but it becomes messed up when the author and their audience don't... Megan

    I think you've missed some of the consequences. Yes, Sungho feels guilty, but this isn't a budding romance. Thanks to Sungho's actions Dohyun has actually lost his mind and has retreated into the past. And previously he asked Sungho to kill him because the stress of the captivity and the rapes finally got to him.
    But the authors are definitely writing this as rape kink so if you don't like that you shouldn't read anymore (should have stopped reading much earlier on really). But it's also a really interesting psychological tragedy. It's both. That's what makes this manhwa so popular in my opinion.

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