Honestly, I don't hate Kirishima, he just makes me super uncomfortable. He seems so fake and is so manipulative. He clearly holds a torch for his ex (who I don'tlike) and he wants so much from Yoshino even though he gives nothing in return. But something about him intrigues me.
I absolutely love Yoshino, she's so badass and realistic. I wish she wouldn't end up with Kirishima, but with Shino(?) instead.

True. I wonder if op means that even tho he paid attention or went to see her like placing her first even if for business. Idk i would make her feel more like a side piece. But i kinda think he did that when he said "there's someone i like" and you know its not her(ex)~
God i just wanna do evil laugh. Because i hope that bish eats it. Because i feel like in future chps.. she might try to do something to yoshino. And that yoshino might stay nice to her

It’s not the first time Kirishima put the yakuza business first. It’s not something he can put on standby considering his position despite “not being yakuza”. An example would be when he really wanted to get back to take care of Yoshino when she was sick but he had to fill in for something, and came back late. I guess that’s just how it is in the yakuza. :v

I'm also shocked but it does make sense. Why would you love someone who has control over your life and ignores your feelings about things? I feel like with Nathaniel's character, it makes perfect sense that he would do that to get out of Fabian's grasp. After all, everything he was doing was for his family, what was the point of continuing if he couldn't help his brother? I do wish it was longer though, I really would have like to seen what would change or what Fabian does afterword. Loved the art too!

This manhwa made me feel feel so anxious the whole time. I don't know if it was because of how realistic it was or because I'm not used to the MC not ending up with the first love, but it just made me so on edge. I'm happy that he ended up with Jun, but I felt so bad for Jun. Like was Sunbin ever actually in love with him? I just felt like Jun was a substitute. It's just so sad how realistic this is because real life is messy like this and I guess you usually don't end up with your first love. But damn to long for someone even after you know you can't have them... Doesn't make me hopeful at all :(

I really want to said Subin love Hyung....but I can't...even thou he has him but still he seem lonely somehow....and for the orange hair....that's a sad ending indeed..he might single forever with Noonan ex-bf lol

Am I the only one who thinks this is sloppy? Like the storyline is and so are the characters ( ̄∇ ̄")

Given sensei's previous works, i wouldn't say it's sloppy per se. But it definitely felt like there was no intent, like they're still trying to figure out what to do with this story. This chapter seems to show otherwise though, looks like sensei is finally figuring out what they want to do with this series.

perhaps a bit cliche, but its omegaverse [yay my favourite mangaka is doing omegaverse!], the characters are individual and not much has been revealed about them yet [so not so well rounded yet, but can figure out they have motives and individual personalities] and the story thus far only has one "coincidence" , or are you unsatisfied at how easily the omega offered up his virginity? As always the art is amazing, even better than before. What did you find sloppy? [I want to understand your point of view]
This has me cracking up every time, I just can't XD
I didn't want to disliiike
You're good! This site really needs to fix that ;-;
I so agree with you