Some of you are ungrateful and it shows :/

Well yes, they are to complain because the first one was better and someone had the audacity to cover an existing good translator. And yes, you are ignorant of common courtesy saying all the outrage is simply because they're ungrateful. No one would have done that if no one disrupted an existing translation. You're about to tell me cos its about that, "finding" me as an example? You have common sense to fix then

Bro, the audacity you have is astounding. You're the one who literally is drawing conclusions from what I said. I wrote one sentence. One. And you figured out a whole story for it with that one sentence. I was talking about people being ungrateful for someone taking it upon themselves to release the chapter that had less desirable quality and complaining about said quality, you're the one bring up common courtesy and irrelevant points.
Do you know what ungrateful means or do I have to define it for you? You are ungrateful because you were not grateful for someone else doing it. You talk about ignorance but you're so ignorant yourself since you don't even know a basic definition.
When I said found one, I was talking about the fact that you're not grateful, you complaining means you were not grateful, which means ungrateful. You talk about common courtesy like I'm the one who posted the chapter.
You say I'm inconsistent when all I've said has been consistent. But I can see why you're fixated on consistency, since you're consistently dumb. I can't stand dumb people like you, honestly. Stop replying, I swear my IQ is going down just talking to you.

Huh? Audacity? Who's the one pointing me out as the ungrateful one? Changing subhect when you're the one who pointed me out wrongly and now saying its because of another reason. Do you know how fucking hard doing decent scantalations are only to get covered up by a nasty translation? Funny how you point out having an IQ but dismissing dissing out people who's pointing out whats right. Go back to my first comment and your first response. If you don't get my point, it's hardly my IQ which is low. Lol

If you'd be any decent, you wouldn't have mocked me on my first response. But seems like you can't defend now your first response and now routing it out as another "point" to excuse yourself on where you were wrong. Instead of agreeing to my point, mocking me saying im ungrateful with my first response being correct. Not my fault if you weren't taught to respond properly to another IF misunderstood. But then again i can't control how you grew up.

You're literally acting like a victim. Look at how you replied and tell me you weren't being sassy. I "pointed you out"? Do you want to know why I responded like that initially? You started off by being rude so I dismissed it jokingly because I didn't want to be an ass like you. It was a joke. I even put the stupid emoticon so you could see I was joking, but clearly you can't tell the difference. Instead, you got your feelings hurt so you were even more rude. You went on and got on your high horse, called me a jerk and ignorant when you were the one who started sassing others. I tried to dismiss you jokingly again, yet you came back and told me to learn common courtesy. You've literally been escalating this argument the whole time, acting like you're the one who's right. I explained my point of view, you didn't like it, then you have been consistently attacking my intelligence and "manners". And why would I ever agree to your point if that's not what I think? Like, hello?
You say I'm inconsistent, but you can't even show me where. I never changed the subject. I explained my view point. I was literally talking about one thing, and you come out talking about the other. If you would shut up and actually read what I said, you can clearly see that you're talking about a whole other issue.
I was NEVER talking about the scanalation groups, you brought it up. I was talking about the audience and the reactions. You act like I was saying screw the scanalation groups when that's not even true. I was just grateful that someone put out a chapter. Other people weren't and that's on them. I wasn't crucifying them, I just commented on it. The problem is that you just took your own opinion on the situation and ran with it, like a moron. If me being grateful for others taking the time to do something I can't do for my enjoyment is wrong to you, then I can't do anything about what you think. The problem here is that you think you're on some crusade to defend the scanalation groups when I was talking about the audience who were being straight up rude. It baffles me how you can think you're still right when you're talking about apples and I'm talking about oranges.
You don't even know who my comment was addressed to. You literally just made a bunch of assumptions. Maybe, just maybe, I was talking about the people who commented "What crap quality, I don't want to read it" and that's it. How can you make so many assumptions like that and act like you're right?
The one who misunderstood first was you. You, you moron. You made assumptions I didn't ask you to make. You responded poorly after misunderstanding the whole situation. So like you said "Not my fault if you weren't taught to respond properly to another IF misunderstood." I really don't know where this confidence is coming from. You say I'm not decent and yet you're the one who started being just straight up disrespectful, talking about how I was raised.
I don't want to embarrass you anymore and I really don't want you to embarrass yourself so please, stop responding. You're seriously getting annoying.

Misunderstood it first? Who mocked me in my frist response? Pointing out me as ungrateful? Me getting out of topic? I'm reiterating my first response because you were a dumbass mocking me on my point.
Why am i pointing out scantalation groups? Because you're response was obviously against those people who hated the horrible theft translations and you come here commenting everyones rage having no poibt directly describing them as ungrateful when your obviously here defending the horrible translator who took another groups scantalations.
And here you direct it to " im not mocking scantalations groups, you brought it up first". Who the fuck mocked complaining about taking another grouos project simply degrading them as ungrateful.
Calling me inconsistent, see here kid, my first comment was about the onky ungrateful people here stealing other peoples projects yet here you movk me as if ny rage was being ungrateful, yet you now defend your point as another thing. So why mock me from the start? Losing your first response?
And you EXPECT? To me to be respectful? When you mocked me and an entire group supporting the first translator? You've got the audacity right there. You claim i brought shit up for nothing? Go back to your first response and checj if you were any decent. And don't worry about losing IQ about this argument. I doubt you've got much to lose anyway.

Im not being a victim, I'm not the one defending my dumbass response obviously when you're here defending the thieving translator. I wouldn't have gone up with all fucking facts if you weren't mocking anyone in the first place. Better learn from your actions kid, especially i don't see you learning before acting.

I literally cannot believe that you still can't read. It's like you see only what you want to see. I know I can't help people like that but you're just ridiculous. I've made my point so clear about what I'm talking about but you're still assuming. You don't address what I'm actually talking about, just what you THINK I'm talking about. And I love how you just forget to address the fact that I was just joking initially before you were being an asshole.
You misunderstood who I was addressing in the first place and because it doesn't align with your version of the story, you just keep ignoring it. I keep saying over and over again what I'm talking about but you keep throwing a god damn tantrum over your version of the story and you're so annoying.
Reiterate your point all you want, it's still a stupid assumption of what you think I was talking about, not what I'm actually talking about. Your "topic" is one thing and my actual point is something completely different.
My response wasn't against scanalation groups, it's against assholes who literally complain about quality. You act like you know who I'm talking about when you can't even tell what I'm actually addressing. I mean, so long as it fits your narrative, you're gong to keep running with it and that's so dumb. Actually look at what I'm saying, stop trying to villanize me over your stupid misunderstanding. "Your response was obviously against those people who hated horrible theft", Jesus christ calm down. You act like someone stole a child. Stop acting like you know who I'm addressing, because clearly you don't. Your whole argument revolves around who you think I'm talking about and even though I've addressed this extensively, you still don't get it.
I'm not losing my first response dumbass. I was joking at first because I didn't want to argue but you were just itching to fight, so you just kept going with it. My initial responses were jokes but you took it personally. So I'm sorry if your little feelings got hurt by my obviously joking responses, but you've become so annoying I can't even feel bad about the fact that you don't have any reading comprehension skills. Your rage? Calm down, you get mad over the dumbest thing and it shows. I was obviously joking at first with the emoticon and meme references, but you kept getting mad so it's not my problem. I'm not changing my response or stance, so fuck off already. I'm not going to agree with you. You won't change the definition and frankly, I don't care about your opinion.
I can't expect anything from trash. So all I'm saying is that you were being disrespectful first because you don't know what a joke is and instead go straight into offending someone and being a persistent asshole. I mocked you for being so angry over a joke. And there you go again, assuming which group I was addressing. You are so consistent in being an idiot, I don't even know what to say at this point to get it through your thick skull and into your smooth brain. You did bring shit up for nothing, acting like you're on a crusade. My first response was supposed to be dismissive, but it wasn't as indecent as you calling me a jerk or ignorant. And wow, what a tough response, you're going to make me cry.
If you can't tell, I'm JOKING about the last sentence. I feel like I have to point it out or else you'll think whatever you want again since you don't really understand the meaning behind different messages. And I like how you're barely bringing up the IQ thing, it took you a while to come up with that response, huh? Guess I shouldn't mock how nonexistent your brain function is. Should I wait maybe a couple weeks to see if maybe you'll understand my point or should I just give up now? After all, you lack common sense and the capacity to understand.
Your one and only point this whole time comes back to a "thieving translator" and what fucking facts are you talking about, this is all just opinion. You're so dumb if you can't distinguish the difference between the two. You acted like a victim the moment you thought I was "mocking" you when clearly I was being dismissive. But if you can't tell the difference between fact and opinion, I really can't expect you to know the difference between mocking and dismissive. Again, I can't expect anything from trash. And you can't tell me who I can and can't mock, who I can and can't address. I'll do whatever the hell I please, so stop your whining. "Better learn from your actions kid". Jesus, all I've learned is I'm talking to an old geezer and that there are so many idiots in the world and I'm wasting my time arguing with one.Well I guess you can also say I've learned that idiots get offended at everything. Learning before acting. Shouldn't you learn how to understand a joke and dismissiveness then? Or can an old dog actually not learn a new trick?
I'd suggest to you going back to school to learn how to read, but that would just be a waste of your time and energy. After all, you I can't expect you to learn anything when you have no capacity to actually do it.
You guys have me rolling, we have some unresolved issues in the chat (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ But I 100% agree with you all lmaooo