While in pursuit of criminals, a police officer has an unexpected encounter with a rather uncanny de...
- Author: Pluto
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mystery / Supernatural / Webtoons / Yaoi
Kouichi starts his day off leaving school with a big farewell from his other club members. When he g...
- Author: ITKZ
- Genres: Yaoi / Fantasy / Comedy / Smut / Webtoons
Every day of Giovanni’s life has been cold. Despite scorching summers, sunny springs, despite ...
- Author: navy sir,Nabit
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi / Webtoons / Smut
Half vampire and A-list celebrity, Ethan Blackwell keeps his vampiric urges at bay by feeding off th...
- Author: Asami
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Fantasy / Drama / Smut / Supernatural