This is so cute and different. I dont watch/read boku no hero but im vaguely familiar with the main characters. But this story could easily have been different characters all together and would've still been a beautiful stand alone story
Thank u uploader and definitely please share if there's a chapter 2!!
The suspense, the character and plot development.....one of the best, well thought out and planned psychological BLs out there imo....
im glad I waited for almost the entire series to finish (waiting for the extras!) And I literally binge read this in 1 sitting my heart pounding the entire time!!!
Idk how ya'll waited every week for each chapter to come out...
Read it now if you haven't done so!!!
This actually was better than I expected. I'm happy the author did her research. I cringe so bad reading manga with foreigners and u can clearly tell they did no research whatsoever...(*cough* the idea that Americans greet people by kissing them on the LIPS uh no???)
***Spoiler question below****
Not sure if someone asked this, but its mentioned that he's polygamous. So is it implied that he had other sexual partners while he was officially dating mako long distance?
Spoiler answer?
I don't think he did tho, I mean he did say he have a lot of gfs (which idk If it's true or not) but I think by what he mean with polygamous is his country? Or his tribe? Idk how to call it is allowing polygamy.
And maybe he did have several girls back there but since meeting mako I believe he only love mako
One of the main things about polygamy is the consent from their partner, it's just cheating if the other one isn't fine with you being with other people and Luca knows that. It's already implied that Mako isn't fine with that by the way he got jealous with the girls and Luca noticed and decided to respect that. Actually a lot polygamous people are in a close relationship for the very same reason.
Taehwan is
I could tell the author seriously did her research or lived in the US herself as an international student. I went to a university in nyc with a HUGE asian-american born and asian international student population (korean and chinese). And I literally can imagine these characters in my university
I first read this when it was incomplete so id have to wait every week for a new chapter and while it was 10/10, I realized I didn't pick up on some things. I just reread it again now all in 1 sitting now that it's complete and wow if you haven't re-read this in from start to finish in 1 sitting i highly recommend u do so. Omg masterpiece......Will definitely be re-reading it again in the near future for sure.
Omg this was so unique funnier than I expected!