The "your mouth is lying but your body honest" like shut up he doesn't want it
imagine two people, Person A and Person B. they both have brain transplants, and now A's brain is in B's body and vice versa.
now which one is which?
thanks The Oatmeal, now i can live another day of this fruitless existence
help with what?? just fap to your heart's content bud, no one can stop you
i mean...yeah? sugar causes dehydration, so i'm pretty sure everyone does
well some have both, some don't. i like it when there's no romance because love isn't always fulfilling for the main character. that doesn't have to be the standard for a happy ending. just my opinion, i do enjoy action with romance as well
uh maybe you misspelled it or something? all of this came up for me, and there's a lot more. here's the link to that page
and apparently Lelouch of the Rebellion is the "official" manga adaptation, most of the rest seem to be side stories or fan-made djs. so here:
use lots and lots of examples, and try to tie them back to whatever your point is. they can take up a lot of space.
i think everyone should have the right to say anything they want, but no one should be exempt from the consequences that might follow.
probably Bojack Horseman. it's an amazing show, incredibly well written, and i love it so much
there's some legit good drawings on there
...and then there's a pp and "mmm intestines"
here's some reviews:
and here's the link for the best rated one i've seen: