Maybe it’s just cause I’m horny, but I really miss the sex, I love the fluffy cringy romance, but I originally fell in love with this story with how amazing the smut was, so looking forward to both!
Nono, actually its just a subconscious kind of thing the 3 Owens weren't physically there in reality it was just asperier. Technically its like a 3 in 1 packet kind of thing since all owens are technically originated from asperier
Nono, actually its just a subconscious kind of thing the 3 Owens weren't physically there in reality it was just asperier. Technically its like a 3 in 1 packet kind of thing since all owens are technically orig... Ruby-Kun
Thats what i think from the latest chaps in the RAWS
Like I don’t even know what’s happening now, this story was dragging, and now kidnapping?! I don’t like any of the characters, but sorta want to see how the authors gonna end it
Ugh the art is so beautiful, but seems like the story will be a cliche, typical big dick seme and naive uke bla bla bla…but catch me reading every chapter as soon as it updates
I’m so pleased Cirrus told Skylar something real and personal, and apologised. I really hope he actually stays truthful, so Skylar can see more to him. I really think they could help each other so much, be there for one another, actually have love and support
Maybe it’s just cause I’m horny, but I really miss the sex, I love the fluffy cringy romance, but I originally fell in love with this story with how amazing the smut was, so looking forward to both!