Gattsu, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces that persue himself an...
- Author: Kentarou Miura
- Genres: Action / Horror / Mature / Seinen / Adventure / Drama
In a medieval world, villages are being attacked by the youma, demons that can take the appearance o...
- Author: YAGI Norihiro
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Horror / Shounen
After recently moving to Onomichi, Hiroshima, high school student Tasuku Kaname is thrown into despa...
- Author: kamatani yuhki,Kamatani Yuuki
- Genres: Drama / seinen / Romance / Seinen / Slice Of Life
Holy shit. This was educational AND emotional. Beautiful use of panels and imagery to convey emotion; in a league of its own. 10/10 start reading this now.
The master spy codenamed <Twilight> has spent his days on undercover missions, all for the dre...
- Author: Endou Tatsuya
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Shounen
"Ethics" is the path of humanity, a principle that becomes the norm of morality. Learning is not a p...
- Author: amase shiori
- Genres: Seinen / Drama / School Life
Lots of info on ethics and morality. Very philosophical, and teaches great lessons every chapter. The students and their issues are really relatable. I am really impressed by the sensei's character here. There is is no doubt that he's pretty intelligent and empathetic. Truly a gem of a manga.
In a world where all the cultivators and demonic beasts are chasing after peak cultivation and looki...
- Author: Chao Fan
- Genres: Fantasy / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Cute af
In the distant future, a new life form called Houseki (gems) are born. The 28 Houseki must fight aga...
- Author: Haruko Ichikawa
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Drama / Sci-fi / Seinen
“Ugh! Life’s been miserable ever since that one stupid kiss! I NEVER should've done...
- Author: EPUM
- Genres: Yuri / School Life / Webtoons / Comedy
Cute af lol
One random day, a high-school gal is suddenly able to see ghosts! She can't run but she tries h...
- Author: Tomoki Izumi
- Genres: Supernatural / Comedy / School Life / Seinen / Psychological / Slice of Life / Horror
After being held in disdain and having his life put in danger, an orphan from the Demonic Cult, Cheo...
- Author: Han-joong-wueol-ya,Guem-gang-bul-gae , unbreakable [redice studio]
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Martial Arts / Webtoons
A Company President diagnosed with cancer accidentally transmigrated into a novel, and became the vi...
- Author: wang yi , main writer + yi yi yi yi , original author
- Genres: Romance / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Really beautiful. Healthy cp
This is so sweet. This manhua is everything. The best BL couple I've read. Their chemistry is off the charts. I am in love with both of them. They have their own strengths, independence and can hold their own. Not to mention the inclusiveness of strong female characters and a GL couple as well. I hope this sets a golden standard for more BL webtoons along with other masterpieces such as King's Maker. ^^