Pussychaser created a topic of My Suha

Tell me whyy

Pussychaser created a topic of Kyuuso Inu wo Kame

As i always say you can critisize however you want positive negative it doesn't matter. In BLS most of the authors don't know or don't try enough (or doesnt care) to implement rape to the story when it's not implemented into the story well enough it makes characters unrealistic I mean I know that they're not going to be realistic anyways but still you need some kind of connection with the character so that you know you can relate to (like let's say in Persona 5 main character Joker was accused wrongly and that made that character likeable or understandable sometimes victimising the character helps the story) character you can follow that character's Journey much better if that character is not reacting to something the way you want it them to react to you kind of dissociate with that person (you cannot connect to that character like other mcs) or you hate that person let's say male lead he raped a guy even though he loved the guy so you hate the guy or maybe you dont. Long story short stories right now that are written for BL category is not well structured it makes them look like h***** with a tiny bit of plot salt(not all of it). And to the reason why people also read these stuff as well they probably read the non rape ones because there is not many of them in comparison to the rape included stories. For example my favorite genre is isekai bl and ive read all of them so i read other ones too because im addicted.

Pussychaser created a topic of Dreadful Night

this should have a 2d game version

Ending is weird but i'd have prefered if he went to jail like in the bastard. And then got together with the mc. Reason why ending is weird is because in one hand you see a guy (his familiy kills too i guess) that still kills people and ml&mc is totaly fine with it AND ON THE OTHER HANDdd you see a guy(ml) that feels guilty by his own actions. Tbh whole thing becomes shitshow(im fine with it because even from the begining manga didnt try to be relistic it was just two goofy looking mfs killing ppl and found lovers while at it sooo its just yknow ... fun killing :|) when story tries to killing ppl so bad o no look ml feels bad nooo uk. Id rather wanna see this guy be like ye honey i wont kill i promis... or am i?
Ummmm anyways bye it was fun to read

Pussychaser created a topic of Dreadful Night

Guys i think i have the power to see the future ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

I'd never imagined in my lifetime that I'd see a guy say "planet nipple" in a manga. Ill probably never forget this.

Pussychaser followed a goer

I'm gonna follow random people that pique my interest
So don't mind me
I'm just looking for new things to read :))

I read pretty much every genre except harems and stuff (action, fantasy, romance, BL, ...)

28 10,2023

Dud this story clearly didnt need om3gaverse like cmon. Story is moving fast, and also ml is ....(i jsust want isekai that doesnt have omegav3rse cuz when they have it everyone just becomes smell fetish, characters become like those people that make alpha male podcast (jk jjk... or am i?)).

Pussychaser created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

Bro just change both of you are fine with anythin. Also wtf was the last pannel why they made it look like a dramatic question.

Pussychaser created a topic of Neck and Neck

Blonde kinda just kiiiinda makes the conversation unbearable. Author shouldve killed him instead of the brown haired dude. Also, cearly mc doesnt want to interract with him and still he annoys him like wtf bro move away get some feesh air.

ML is smart wtf ??? I thought their species were told in tales ...

Pussychaser created a topic of The Foul

I wish it had more mystery and less psycopath ml i dunno the atrstyle deffinately gave me durarara vibes so ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Art got wasted on the same bl rich-poor shit that ml has buch of mental illness.

Pussychaser created a topic of Neck and Neck

Everything is just so fast that it feels like a fever dream

Pussychaser created a topic of Formless

I bet his father acted same way towards his mother