MoonJuju January 21, 2025 7:14 am

I'm sorry but am I the only one who thinks that Bora’s style is pretty feminine outside of her short haircut?? This seems like what straight people think a butch looks like lol

    pussy fairy ♀ January 22, 2025 7:06 am

    I noticed too! I keep wondering why they labeled her as a butch when she dress and act feminine. Ig it could be because of her physique? I could be wrong tho..

    Rantz06 January 23, 2025 7:00 am

    She might be a soft butch

    daynight January 24, 2025 9:10 am

    Could also just be a difference in culture.

    MoonJuju January 25, 2025 4:28 am
    She might be a soft butch Rantz06

    lol even that doesn’t feel appropriate as she’s not masculine to me, she just has muscles.

    MoonJuju January 25, 2025 4:46 am
    Could also just be a difference in culture. daynight

    possibly, but it feels more like a lack of in depth understanding of the term itself as well as associating certain qualities like muscle as inherently masculine thing

MoonJuju July 22, 2021 9:11 pm

If you like taboo shit then just say that but don’t act as if though people who find it wrong, can’t point out it’s wrong.

Not to mention she looks like their dead sister which adds more weird to this. Stop dismissing peoples opinions of this disturbing relationship because you feel attacked for liking it.

    .lreyy July 22, 2021 11:14 pm


    MoonJuju July 23, 2021 1:09 am

    no because there a people making full on essays defending a morally wrong relationship. Just be honest, say that you like it and move on

    .lreyy July 23, 2021 1:13 pm
    no because there a people making full on essays defending a morally wrong relationship. Just be honest, say that you like it and move on MoonJuju


MoonJuju July 19, 2021 11:29 pm

People keep putting the definition of grooming to say their dynamic would be nothing of the sort if they decided to get together in the future but…..I have mixed opinions of this.
Of course it seems like Mr. Enoch isn’t outright thinking I’m gonna get close to this little girl so we can be together in the future but that wouldn’t make it any less wrong.

IN MY OPINION, I feel as though this is a glamorized version of grooming. And in real life paternal figures to children should never be thought as lovers, what they have is a different kind of love. They should remain in the relationship they have now.

I know this manwha is not centered around romance and we are not too clear who the ML is. I just didn’t like how people were using the definition of grooming to dismiss real concerns.

    MoonJuju July 20, 2021 12:02 am

    Fuck I mean Ash someone beat me up.

MoonJuju July 19, 2021 4:51 pm

Call me a prude but I absolutely detest when the female or male lead raises the love interest. In my opinion, there is always a weird power dynamic and I just could not imagine raising a whole child and once they are an adult see them as anything other than a baby.

And the people who are trying to make it any less weird by saying the romance doesn't come until later on, creep me tf out.

    KuroNekoMiina July 19, 2021 7:32 pm

    No cuz same I thought he was simply going to be a father figure to her....

    izzartsy July 19, 2021 10:10 pm

    I’m pretty sure there won’t be any romance at all. Look at the tags. Romance isn’t tagged at all. So, i’m pretty sure it’s just gonna stay a father and daughter relationship.

    MoonJuju July 19, 2021 11:17 pm
    I’m pretty sure there won’t be any romance at all. Look at the tags. Romance isn’t tagged at all. So, i’m pretty sure it’s just gonna stay a father and daughter relationship. izzartsy

    That’s great, I don’t think I’ll continue reading though as it’s not definitive.
    I also have a problem with people defending this ship and saying it’s not a little weird if they got together.

    izzartsy July 19, 2021 11:31 pm
    That’s great, I don’t think I’ll continue reading though as it’s not definitive. I also have a problem with people defending this ship and saying it’s not a little weird if they got together. MoonJuju

    Oh i completely agree. It makes me uncomfortable too when people say that’d it would be okay if they got together. Well, hopefully the story doesn’t progress in that way and i hope to see you soon!!

MoonJuju July 8, 2021 12:12 pm

In the official novel it’s insinuated that, Miriam r-words Sabelian multiple times. Even though Miriam and her family were happy they were in a pretty good position in the kingdom now, they wanted something completely solidified. A daughter was not really seen as an heir to the throne so, Miriam would only see Sabelian at night to try for a son.

Obviously she died without giving birth to a son. This is also why Blanche’s maternal grandfather, (forgot his name lol) is trying to give his youngest daughter to Sabelian.

    Ddeonghwa July 8, 2021 12:14 pm

    Where u read it??

    MoonJuju July 8, 2021 12:24 pm
    Where u read it?? Ddeonghwa

    I bought it of Amazon for like 9 dollars but I believe many people in the comments have linked a fan translation. Although it seems to have some inaccuracies.

MoonJuju July 1, 2021 4:21 pm

I think it’s hard to say what you would do in a domestic violent relationship while having a kid. I’m not defending the mother’s actions at all in this situation, but I’m sure she thought she was doing the best thing for the both of them.

Which is where I feel a little torn, in this situation I empathize with the child more as he didn’t ask to be brought into this world. And I bet if he was asked ‘do you want your mother to leave and make a better life or do you just want your mom?’ He would choose the latter.

She made an incredibly hard decision and was dealt a bad hand in life which i can’t even begin to understand. I also think it’s hard for people to initially empathize because, from face value it looks like she’s living in luxury with a stone cold personality. In the end they both were victims and I just think they should talk.

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