1st seme is a straight asshole with no redeeming qualities. 100% spoiled manchild. I can't believe I used to think this was hot.
He torments the uke his entire life and the uke is sad so he tries to work his way out and the dude sabotages him. It wasn't romantic or a sign of love just a huge turn off. He never acknowledged he's a piece of shit either there's a .5 that tries to evoke some sympathy but he needs to be put down.

Wow this story is still going after all these years? Usually I take these tales as a product of their time but this is still going I'm legit surprised. Hope the mangaka has become more aware of toxic relationships and can rectify a few ongoing issues in here. It's rare these stories get a chance to do that but I remain hopeful of this until the end. Still one of my faves and deflee a classic
Been following this story forever and then forgot about it. Came back years later and found new chapters and this shit still isn't done. *flips table* see yall in another decade ;u;