Who else thinks that if Tae-Kyung from the beginning was honest and actually cared enough about Hee-seo to check up on him himself none of this would be happening. Like bruh you went thru the same thing as Hee-Seo (being an orphan) and the reason you turned out alright and sane is bc your foster mom showed you real love and comfort. Sure he may have believed Hee seo was receiving proper care from his foster family but like the friend said he was constantly suicidal. At the same time it's really tough seeing Hee-Seo use suicide as a weapon against Tae-Kyung to take advantage of him. At this point he seriously needs to be admitted (into a mental hospital) ASAP!!!

he seems to care a lot about Heeseo but Taekyung also failed to understand Heeseo's situation, he only gives Heeseo a family and financial. let Heeseo use him maybe that's wrong. Taekyung gives too much face until Heeseo be like this that Taekyung just forced his feelings for Heeseo, even if he didn't mean it. He becomes obsessive if Taekyung rejects him abt anything now

I agree but he also doesn't have to do anything for HeeSu at all. He didn't check up on HeeSu because, as you said, he himself had been given a chance to be adopted by a loving family, so he had assumed that was/had been the case w/ HeeSu. I understand that it was negligence on his part to not look into more care for HeeSu. But lest you forget, there's a panel showing him regretting having been involved in this kid's life AT ALL. To him, having saved HeeSu was enough, and affording him a home and sponsoring him since his orphanage day was enough. We don't know the reason for why he doesn't want to be emotionally and physically involved in his care, and I know he cares more than a normal sponsor would, because of his relationship w/ Heesu's mom, but in reality he owes HeeSu nothing.

He was ALREADY obsessed since the begining, that's why he kept calling TaeKyung out w/ his act of suicide attempts. I don't know why TaeKyung never came out from the first attempt, honestly. But since it kept repeating I guess TaeKyung knew this kid was just acting out.
Once he literally got ahold of TaeKyung, it's game over, since he's in front of TaeKyung now and TaeKyung has taken him under his wing he kept on playing the "do you love me game" and "if you don't love me I'm going to off myself" so he's got him in a bind now instead of just reaching out to an unknown person. The more TaeKyung gives the more he takes. His insecurities didn't go down at all. And they're in this ambiguous relationship where he's a sponsor but then he got pushed into having sex with him and now they're fuck buddies so he's not longer a sponsor. But in the meantime he is also invalidating his relationship w/ HeeSu. T be fair though, he hasn't wanted this kind of relationship from the start.