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So I've been told here before that you are a bad person if you fetishize real mlm/wlw relationships or ship real people, do not get me wrong I do not ship real people nor do I fantasize about gay men or lesbian women together. I am a (currently) gender fluid pansexual in an asexual relationship with my girlfriend.

I've also been told that if you think of your BL men as "cute little gay boys" you are fetishizing. I'm going to be honest, I've read multiple BL/GLs before where I've thought that the boys/girls or the relationship were cute, I do not think this way of real life lgbt+ because, well... that's weird.

I can indeed tell the difference between real LGBTQ people and GL/BL characters. I am not the type to stereotype people either so you don't need to worry about me going out and going like "omg so precious must protect the gay" when I don't even know who they are but I sometimes feel like I'm doing something wrong when I'm reading because I'm being told it's wrong.

I've also heard that reading too much BL/GL is bad, this is the part where everyone might turn on me but I have read 175 BL, 46 GL, and 198 Shoujo/Hetrosexual. I try to tell myself that I'm just a romance fan but is it really okay to have read this much? I feel that deep inside that maybe I'm obsessing over stuff like this and it feels bad.

Below I will give a small list of uncanon LGBTQ ships I peronally ship
Nagito x Hajime (Danganronpa v2)
Childe x Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Beidou x Ningguang (Genshin Impact)
Chongyun x Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)
Eula x Amber (Genshin Impact)
Soraru x Mafumafu (Utaite)
Tuesday x Carole (Carole & Tuesday)
Kazuha x Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Ibuki x Mikan (Danganronpa v2)
10 07,2021