I dislike ash’s friends so much, keep talk about ex partners in your private messages or groupchat or at least outside of the NEW COUPLE’S FUCKING HOME
The side story is cheesing me so bad, should’ve made it a separate manga so I could express my feelings without slandering the main story
I started it off knowing Jihwan was gna be a creep but holy shit, I’ve never felt this creeped out by a character, but I still wanna keep reading somehow..
For mangago users since 2020 or before
What’s a bl that was popular when you first started reading that you feel like more people should get into?
What a bittersweet feeling it must have been for yegyum to have his piercings and tattoo removed. It was associated with a sad part of his life, being treated like an object and being controlled. But also associated with Jooin. They fell in love with the version of yegyum that has piercings and a tattoo. I’m so glad Jooin got that butterfly tattoo, so cute.
I’m so upset. How can you be so eager to betray your brother for money. Money that’s not even going to you but going to the family of someone else.
why bring up the ex. It’s common courtesy to stay away from topics like those, especially at the new couples housewarming.
Jaekyung have you learned nothing.
He needs to come to terms w his feelings and sort them out then he can think about finding a way to make it up to Dan and explain it to him. He should’ve never given in to begin with. He should have never given into having sex w Dan when he knew it would do nothing for their situation. UGHHHHHH
Bls with the seme as a celebrity and the uke as a bodyguard
I loveeee this so much. But idk if I’m giving into a cliché when I say I lowkey wanted to see more of Yunshin being a really good lawyer, exceeding expectations almost. Pulling stunts no one expected him to and winning a case ruthlessly type of vibe.
Don’t piss me off. What kind of abstract try hard ending was that. I need something SOLID. ONE MORE CHAPTER RUGHT THIS INSTANT
As much as i love the jealousy, how did he not think that other people would be attracted to Gunjoon? Does he think that Gunjoons ugly asf
So did he run away at the end or not? I cant tell. The whole time I was praying that he would leave Jeongyeom and he would be free. I was hoping they’d show the seme grieving and regretting his actions
I always read the short ones because I know even if I don’t like it I’ll be able to get through it. I knew this one was gna be really fucked up so I can’t blame anyone but myself for making me read this BUT I always wonder what provokes authors to write stuff like this. Like where’s the appeal? Same with the artists like why would you volunteer yourself to draw scenes like this? No judgement just curiosity