Nyxmeow July 12, 2020 8:44 am

"How can I make you like me, Senpai? How can I make you yearn for me?"
Pro tip, son: don't rape him with a pen.

Although of course this is the world run by yaoi logic, so apparently raping someone with a pen is, in fact, an effective way to start a relationship with them.
(Don't stick pens in people, kids. Especially pens with sharp plastic bears on the end.)

Edit to add: I would put this in the dubious, murky yaoi category (of course, never to be applied to real life) of "A kinda let B [do something that in any other circumstance would absolutely be rape] or doesn't reeeeally mind him doing it, because A actually likes B [but B doesn't know that, so it doesn't change the nature of B's actions]." Definitely not trying to start an argument over that, just commenting on mind-boggling yaoi logic of what some characters decide is a good idea to do when they like someone!

Nyxmeow June 27, 2020 5:00 am

I love that the mangaka didn't even realise that Kaoru was nuts until the editor pointed it out haha

    Rabbit Lover! June 27, 2020 7:10 am

    Yea, those small author talks at the end of the story really make my day!!

Nyxmeow June 26, 2020 7:49 am

Hehehe I love the dad joke puns in the extra!
And I freaking adore Sensei's god-level resistance to yaoi logic

Nyxmeow June 7, 2020 6:45 am

I... kinda could have done without that extra one-shot (although as always, thank you very much to the translator). Even yaoi-logic.exe has stopped responding

Nyxmeow June 6, 2020 5:55 pm

The "plot" is so stupidly irrelevant in the 2nd chapter, there's actually too much of it. Just draw cute outfits on bunny boy and get straight to the fucking, anything else was seemingly completely unnecessary. How exactly is the dude a pervert anyway? He likes... lingerie and sexy outfits? Most vanilla pervert I've ever seen

    LazyParrot June 6, 2020 11:46 pm

    Didn't he said it? 'When a pervert does what he desires, mostly it becomes a crime'
    Furuya is more of a gentleman than pervert though.
    I guess your kind of pervert is the hardcore make them all cry and junk with drama and angst etc.

    Nyxmeow June 7, 2020 3:26 am
    Didn't he said it? 'When a pervert does what he desires, mostly it becomes a crime'Furuya is more of a gentleman than pervert though.I guess your kind of pervert is the hardcore make them all cry and junk with ... LazyParrot

    Nope nope, what makes you think that? I definitely prefer sex scenes where everyone is happy - or, at the VERY least, comfortable - with what's happening, whatever that specifically is. That's why I said this is cute, and the sex is fine. The plot is far from gripping (or even noticeable) after the first chapter though. As it stands after chapter 2, I suspect that people shouldn't read this expecting an interesting plot.
    And how does angst, drama or douchebag semes have anything to do with what I'm talking about?? In general, pervert = kinky. There are heaps of different ways to be kinky. Liking sexy underwear? Barely even registers on the kink-metre.

    Nyxmeow June 7, 2020 4:09 am

    Just on the slim chance anyone wonders about the difference in tone between my comments... My original comment was at the end of a rollicking good night with friends. After most of a bottle of wine, subtlety isn't my strong suit.

    anono June 7, 2020 10:08 am

    I think because this is intended to be a comedy, so that's why it becomes like, with things that you deemed unnecessary. Maybe it's just not your cup of tea so i adviced to not read further too

    anono June 7, 2020 10:08 am
    I think because this is intended to be a comedy, so that's why it becomes like, with things that you deemed unnecessary. Maybe it's just not your cup of tea so i adviced to not read further too anono

    *like that

    xielian_inlove June 7, 2020 1:26 pm


Nyxmeow June 4, 2020 6:37 am

I got such a jolt when I saw the update, the tea I had just gulped down almost came straight back up!

STwH is just such a masterpiece, I love everything about Yashiro and Doumeki so much. I can't even remember how many times I've read it, I fear anything ever happening to Yoneda Kou that makes her unable/unwilling to complete it (touch wood)

Nyxmeow June 4, 2020 2:41 am

I'll be honest, I have no freaking clue what's going on in almost all of the plot, but damn the art is gorgeous and the fucking is on point.

And it's a minor thing but I'm so grateful that these translators aren't using "thwop thwop" as thrusting sound effects like a lot of Korean webtoons do. I'm sure it's a correct translation of the Korean sfx because it's in so many, but it sounds like a helicopter.

Nyxmeow June 4, 2020 1:30 am

His grandma seems like an absolute sweetheart, of course all she wants is for him to be happy! Saichi honey, you've just been putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. Now climb that tall handsome man like a tree.

Nyxmeow June 4, 2020 12:37 am

It seems to be happening a lot on this site lately, pages are getting scrambled when chapters are uploaded

Nyxmeow June 2, 2020 11:41 pm

I'm rereading this after ages because I remember I really like it... Did NOT remember how angry it makes me when Machiko tells Touma in chapter 3 that incest is "not that much different" than being gay. Shut the fuck up, creepy bitch, you're a million shades of wrong.
I do remember that she gets better, but even so - fuck you for that bullshit line, Machiko.

Edit to add after finishing rereading: Yeah okay she definitely does turn out fine, but I still really don't like that line. It's basically like she's saying "The way you feel about me being in love with (and trying to have sex with) my blood-related brother is how people feel about you loving someone of the same sex." And because Touma himself already believes his feelings for Takaya are not normal and not allowed, he can't even say anything back. It's not true at all, and not fair of her to try to justify herself by making out that Touma is abnormal.

    Mima June 4, 2020 6:34 am

    LMFAO "Shut the fuck up, creepy bitch, you're a million shades of wrong."

    Wooo I needed that laugh!!

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