Since ethis chapter released everyone talking about He Tian Leaving for many years and I’m like what… I will admit it’s been a hot minute but since this story doesn’t clearly established how much time has passed except with implications being used. Can someone who’s so obsessed with this story give me a coherent, clear cut version of the actual timeline? I keep seeing comments talking about this story is about some past or that we’re reading the present??? I’m sorry i haven’t been keeping up. Like wym he tian left??? I’m confused

I don't know if the story so far is the past and now where they are young adults is the present or the future, but it was stated from the time where mo was with he tian after the she li incident with the fire, that he tian knew he would be gone some time. From there it was hinted at in some conversations with them and him and his brother.
And after the kiss scene he cheng told he tian that everything was ready for the move.
That is also the reason he tian is always escaping his brother, but it was always told in a funny way so we never think anything about it.
From the latest story related chapter (455) we see that mo was waiting for he tian and after that we jumped in the story forward to qiu's story and then the future where he tian is back and everyone is older. So i think we will slowly get backstorys that continues from chapter 455 or it comes up in conversations in the new chapters. Not to confuse the story related chapters with the side silly chapters (new haircut or the concert one i think these are just daily activities that don't go in traditional order because it wouldn't go with the other things) i hope i helped a little bit
Honeslty the recent chap gave me such weirdo vibes from Haesoo, then again he doesn’t know any better