Super fond of these Cappy's notes at the end of some chaps. I had to reread chaps 14 and 15 while listening to "Childhood Memories" and it really does suit the mood. Some kind of melancholy and tenderness, maybe coming from the serious reflection re:LiHuan's mom and yet there's also something so romantic about a Classic... ah~ I'm too infatuated with this pair (and adding a passion, music, to the mix just makes it all the more endearing, personally)
BWAHAH!! I seriously lost it at "Boys on Road Trip" and ascended with "Heart Thieves" I mean.... Author is always hilarious but those replace-title-with-mini-synopsis was gold lolololol
Super fond of these Cappy's notes at the end of some chaps. I had to reread chaps 14 and 15 while listening to "Childhood Memories" and it really does suit the mood. Some kind of melancholy and tenderness, maybe coming from the serious reflection re:LiHuan's mom and yet there's also something so romantic about a Classic... ah~ I'm too infatuated with this pair (and adding a passion, music, to the mix just makes it all the more endearing, personally)
Thank you~~
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ahhh~~~~
Thank you for all your hard work, Cappy! We love your translations!!