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Atarii April 9, 2024 4:34 am

Am I the only one who feels sooo dissatisfied with the last chapter? Like the way the made up felt so wrong, How has Hazuki suffered more than Naoto? HOW?
Like I get that couples fight and make up quickly but I just felt like the whole thing was brushed off way too fast for how big of a fight they made it seem, and I just really hate the fact that Naoto even apologized at all

    Hevinnnn April 9, 2024 5:31 am

    He apologized because he knew hazuki wasn’t upset with him because he didn’t trust him, hazuki doesn’t trust anyone especially after what to his mate in school but naoto was wrong for lying to hazuki . Naoto could’ve said hey “ he told me something every personal and it’s not something I can you right now , wait until he’s ready “ . Naoto made it seem like he did have something to hide but hazuki wasn’t thinking about naoto hiding something he was thinking about the other guy having ulterior motives . Adults communicate and apologize for their part in a miss understanding, you seem young by your response to this chapter.

    Kuroko :3 April 9, 2024 5:34 am

    I did a double take reading on thelat part, where naoto said hazuki suffered more in the past, i thought maybe i was wrong and it was hazuki saying it to naoto but LOL it really was naoto saying that. (yes hazuki suffered in his own way but we know what naoto has gone thru LOL idk what the author is thinking writing this part)

    I think it's fine if the author made the burning accident a way for them to talk but it honestly could be a bit more fleshed out, I agree with you as well that naoto even apologized at first, and even if he apologized at first the author should've made naoto a bit stern it's not like all of the things is his fault only.

    Atarii April 9, 2024 2:37 pm
    He apologized because he knew hazuki wasn’t upset with him because he didn’t trust him, hazuki doesn’t trust anyone especially after what to his mate in school but naoto was wrong for lying to hazuki . Na... Hevinnnn

    Girl what, How do I seem young by this response, if you were trying to insult me that’s a bit childish but whatever.
    And Naoto quite literally said to him that it was something personal he couldn’t tell him, there was just no reason at all for him to apologize to Hazuki when he was the one almost making it seem like it was his own fault he was raped

    Atarii April 9, 2024 2:38 pm
    I did a double take reading on thelat part, where naoto said hazuki suffered more in the past, i thought maybe i was wrong and it was hazuki saying it to naoto but LOL it really was naoto saying that. (yes hazu... Kuroko :3

    Yeah, I really think that it was resolved waaaay to quickly seeing as this was literally THE biggest fight we’ve seen them have.

Atarii January 13, 2024 12:11 am

I’ve been trying to find anything about the author but couldn’t find anything in the end, anyone know it hey have a twitter or instagram or anything at all??

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