Nah, I'd yap. created a topic of Waterside Night

Taeju just going batshit crazy mad part 2 let's go

Nah, I'd yap. created a topic of Perfect Addiction

I mean it wouldn't have been too much to tell him that he was going to a reunion tbh, especially at the stage of their relationship where it's still a sensitive time for them and especially as they are a same sex couple AND the guy seemed straight initially, i don't blame him for being upset at all, but ig he didn't think of all that lol

That's rly sad, i hope depression could be more understood and taken serious by society someday and we'd have proper support systems for them. I've been there too and i dont even know how to explain it, it feels like your body feels so heavy and something is physically holding you down, yet your brain also feels empty, hollow. You're there but you're also not. But you know what? Everyone deserves a chance at life, to be believed in, or at least the benefit of doubt that they're capable of changing and turning their lives around. So always be kind guys

Nah, I'd yap. created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

Ok so im at chapter 7-8ish top is an a-hole but does he have a redemption arc tho?

I really don't think the villainess is that well written of a character, the MC is muchβ€”much more interesting, NOW i respect everyone's thoughts here but i know the author attempted to kind of make her into this complex and misunderstood dark femme villain but it's just not doing it for me, like yes let's acknowledge that she was deeply wronged by his lover and she's taking revenge on the wrong people and put these points aside. It's the fact alone that she in fact was already warned by her kin that her actions will not only harm her but the WHOLE existence of mages itself (as i remember it). Yet she ignored the concerned voices of these women. Did she not basically BETRAY her SISTERS for the love of a MAN? She was not a toddler, did she not do this to herself? Already a big minus on my book. So instead of me feeling sympathetic for her idk she just comes off as kind of... Pathetic.

But again these are just my thoughts as a fellow reader. (βŒ’β–½βŒ’)

I want just 30 plus chapters of them being wholesome and that's it we don't even need any plot

Im sure ive read this sometime back in 2021 and ive only seen like a progress of 5-ish chapters, still good like i remember it tho

I don't mind art changes but the character's vibe also did D: like the overall nonchalant attitude with a hint of psychotic-ness mc had disappeared, it's like im looking at a different mc mannn this was really good i dont wanna drop it


Im confused "we even slept together before" what???

Nah, I'd yap. followed a list

I didn't think this list would have so much followers. Thank you. For those who are asking if this list is active, yes its active. I'm just really picky.

What you'll basically see here:

Heroic Protagonist.
Trash Protagonist turned good.
Plain trash protagonist you can't help but like.
Villainous protagonist.
Cheat-like protagonist.

I'm biased with everything placed here since I read it all. I hope you like them too.

Credit to the original source.

02 04,2024