Hitomi was ready to locked up and breeded lmao

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Dear, 00

ISTG I'm tearing my hair because of nanie if I were dalguk I would've gone bald already. Also he's kinda inconsiderate of gguk as well like he already knows dalguk's personality but he still does stuff that makes him uncomfortable. For eg, him inviting a random stranger in gguk's house (even though there were some circumstances) without letting gguk know even though he's obviously an introvert and doesn't like it when strangers invade his personal space :////

Wait bri and Lexy are cousins as well right?

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Damn I really hope when Ian comes back he doesn't end up with sol because sometimes I look in her eyes and that's where I find a glimpse of us and I try to fall for her touch
,but I'm thinking of the way it was, said I'm fine and said I moved on I'm only here passing time in her arms, hoping I'll find
A glimpse of us

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Brian is actually the selfish one if you think about it he's cosplaying that selfless stubborn shounen protag outfit and saying stuff like I'm doing this all for youuuuu ughhh bro bfr sol has never once asked you to dominate the world for his sake at the end of the day it's your own wish to do that and he's using sol as an excuse to continue forward with his reckless actions

can anyone explain to me why did the ML just randomly fall in love with the FL?? All their significant interactions before them doing it and ML revealing he was jealous were him revisting her past and kissing her to elevate her pain. Then randomly one chapter he was jealous of people around her and is a blushy doting husband?? like when did the chemistry building happen lol??

Ilovesufferring created a topic of In the Doghouse

That...that's a third leg...

Your honor they were more than friends and family clearly

Ilovesufferring created a topic of In the Doghouse


Ilovesufferring answered question about your opinions
it's trash. Wanted lee soohyuk to play yjh and Im Siwan to play kim dokja. Also don't why and how they thought jisoo resembled ljh. Lee minho in my opinion doesn't have it in him to play yjh. He doesn't even resemble him in any shape, form or vibe

Lol an s classes i raised , orv and mount hua sect Collab were not on my bingo 2024 list

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Sasaki to Miyano

sasaki being a lightweight blushing cutie is everythinggggg

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Meshinuma

For some reason the horniest bunch have collected in not in smut manhwas and mangas but in this and bootleg healer's comment section lol

Why couldn't they take half half? Or like just took some sample out to replicate the antidote?

Ilovesufferring created a topic of In the Doghouse

im losing my mind over how much i need to see them do it

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

I feel awful for both gojo and yuta wth gege