Loopy Affluenza's experience ( All 0 )

Loopy Affluenza's answer ( All 2 )

Ok so basically, the question means that do you like spreading hate?(not necessary that the hate will be spread by you) do you support ppl spreading hate? Not talking any rapists or pedos or any of the sort. Sometimes ppl say kys and shut them down without listening to them... please this is serious...please give Yes/no answers. Not or/maybe...   2 reply
20 02,2021
So, a lot of you are telling this isn't true but then why do a lot of my weeb friends say that in the anime, itachi loved sasuke. Also, why do they kinda look similar? owo??   1 reply
19 02,2021

Loopy Affluenza's question ( All 2 )

Do you like hate?

Comment "Yes" or "No"
20 02,2021
So like, I don't watch anime at all. I googled Itachi to see who he was. While scrolling down, I came upon this:
Is this true guys? I'm asking those who watched Naruto. Did it really happen?

19 02,2021

People are doing

did regret liking a character

... characters who are short-sighted and cruel without a reason

4 hours
did went braless

it's the best feeling except when I'm not running

9 hours
want to do genshin impact

Both my phone and laptop committed suicide when I tried to download it :<

11 hours