Lauvil February 16, 2021 9:18 am

I hope she isn't stupid enough to actually go alone and not tell anyone. Like, could Yuri be any more obvious about her intentions?
And not like the girl is smart enough to figure it out if Dani tells someone or has someone follow them anyway.

Lauvil February 15, 2021 9:04 am

Is it worth the read?
I started to read this when there were still only a few chapters available but dropped it because it seemed messy and all over the place.
Has it improved? Would it be worth picking up again?

    Rose February 15, 2021 10:41 am

    I would say it is still all over the place but I'm still reading it to see how it will go to the main plot

    sir taylor February 15, 2021 11:17 am

    i would say its good to read, its cute and funnyyyヾ(☆▽☆)

Lauvil February 14, 2021 8:35 pm

I like the story a lot. But god damnit.... Why, author? Why would you give the protagonist such a stupid name? ( ̄Д  ̄")

I've just decided to rename her in my head, cuz it's just too damn stupid.

Lauvil February 4, 2021 2:42 pm

It's not consistent with Yeoryoung's character to reject Dani without confronting her for the truth, solely based on rumours and half baked evidence. Thus this is clearly some plan that Yeoryoung and the four boys cooked up to catch the culprit.

However, keeping Dani in the dark and making her believe the rejection is real, is seriously cruel.
They all should know how sensitive and insecure she is about their friendship, so doing it this way is beyond insensitive.

I really hope they solve it quickly and that Dani doesn't forgive them too easily.

    Genie February 4, 2021 3:13 pm

    It’s either that or it’s just Dani’s imagination, but if it does lean toward what u said, then I rlly don’t like their plan, they already know the Dani overthink things and is very sensitive and insecure, it would prob hurt Dani a lot if this is their plan, I rlly hope it isn’t

Lauvil February 2, 2021 8:34 pm

I really like this story so far.
The tsundere MC is hilarious and I love the relationship and interactions between the characters.

I find it a bit unnecessary to have made Celeste a reincarnator, though. She acts like the queen and not at all as a "regular 20 year old Korean woman".
I mean, I get that she's been a witch 10 times longer and that could've altered her personality, but then shouldn't her memories of her time in our world also have faded?
She talks like she was reincarnated last week, but acts like she was native to her current world, life and body.

Imo it seemed like a pointless attempt of following the isekai/reincarnated-into-a-novel trope. It clashes with the otherwise brilliant concept of the MC's personality and her knowledge of the plot could've been explained in a much better way.
It is a fantasy world, after all. And she's a witch. Prophetic dreams, magic crystal balls, enchanted books; the author could've chosen countless other options that do not involve reincarnation...

It still like it though, so I'll try to overlook that minor annoying detail and enjoy the story regardless.

    MommaBear February 3, 2021 1:17 am

    I agree mostly. I think they chose transmigration as a simple way to give her the knowledge of the future but it may have been better to have either gone the route of reincarnated into her own body (going back and correcting her own past) or magic premonition dream. She's magic anyway so either would work. They're all tropes but this one does feel the least suited to the character.

Lauvil January 30, 2021 11:34 pm

I don't really get the people who ship Evie with Renok.
Like, they have zero chemistry.

He's a good guy and they are good as friends, but that's about it.
Evie doesn't view him in a romantic light, a fact that has been obvious since the beginning. Plus his views are much too conservative for a girl like Evie.

He has basically already decided that what's best for Evie is quitting the competition and swordsmanship, then getting married and having a family, so she can be "protected" as a woman.
All while never ASKING, or considering from her point of view, what she wants and what would make her happy.

What I want is for the Prince to realise that Evie is not only what's best for him, but also what's best the Empire. Then grow a pair and stand up to daddy.
I think she would face that task head on, as long as he was there beside her.

Lauvil January 7, 2021 10:07 am

I was having a hard time putting into words what it was about this manga that totally rubbed me the wrong way, and I think I finally got it.

The premise is that the mc is a strong, independent woman who's had to work hard in order to chase her dreams and fulfil her ambitions.
As a female business owner, she's used to dealing with misogyny and sexual harassment, while being underestimated and looked down on by her male peers. Which is not really unusual in male-dominated fields where power is involved (and even those where it isn't).
The struggle is very real and the manga's the portrayal of that aspect is very realistic.
It's these things that makes it very infuriating to be a woman, sometimes, and it kinda hits where it hurts.

So, it's really disappointing and infuriating that the FL's struggles are only used as a backdrop. At least to me it seems that it's only included to make the reader relate to her and understand her stubborn personality (as if it needed justification).
The ML and the romance aspect seems hellbend on diminishing and trivialising her struggles and undermining everything she stands for: The strong woman who despite all odds, has realised her dreams in a man's world.

For rather than having a ML that sets an example for men - treating women as equals and with respect, and who doesn't view them as (sex) objects - we get a smug, insensitive, sexually harassing bastard who (imo) treats the FL as nothing more than a challenge to be conquered.

I mean, the MC developed her stubborn and prickly personality because she's had to go against the flow to get to where she's at. What's the ML's excuse?

I get that the author just wanted a rivalry between the couple, which wouldn't work if the ML was a totally complacent guy, but you CAN actually make rivalry between two characters, WITHOUT one of them looking down on the other as a person (and without sexism involved).
Because that's the vibes I get from the ML... Imo he's no better than any other male presentation in the manga.

At least to me it seems that the message this manga sends is that a woman can be strong, but there will always be a man out there who can conquer her and make her submit.

    animedfreak January 13, 2021 6:23 pm

    Perfectly explained, imma have to pass on this story, this kind of smut that puts women in subjugation to men is not my cup of tea ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Dəli Qız ☠ February 2, 2021 11:21 am

    Lets wait and see. The plot is so good but it feels like two alphas are struggling to make a relationship out of this. Also I don't think ml sees her in that way maybe he just wanted to continue his relationship with her but she strongly opposed to them being lovers thats why he's settled for sex friends now, if he saw her only as a sex object he wouldn't quarrel over trivial stuff and lose precious energy on her. I'd say THEY'RE BOTH MESSED UP IN THE HEAD RN SO LETS WAIT FOR DEVELOPMENT
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Lauvil January 1, 2021 1:08 pm

"He's mine." uhm, excuse you sir. He's not an object!
Pretty sure he has his own opinion about that, so stfu.

Lauvil December 5, 2020 4:47 pm

My issue is not the age gap. It's the fact that they started dating when she was 16.
SIXTEEN! He was 30!

If that's not considered grooming, I don't know what is...

If she had been 26 and he was 40, I would've been totally okay with it, but as is: No thanks...

Lauvil November 25, 2020 12:59 pm

Short review:
The stories were all pretty cute, if not a little bland. No rape-to-love bs in this one, so that's always a plus.
The smut is kinda underwhelming.

Long review (contains spoilers):

Ch. 1:
I thought it was really cute.
The guy was a sweetheart and the girl was really understanding about his ED. She didn't care and just wanted to be with him, which in turn made him relax and open up to her, eventually leading to him being able to get it up anyway.

Ch. 2:
It was alright.
Girl misunderstands her bf's feelings for her bc he always goes to the balcony or shower after sex, to cool off. Turns out it was just a misunderstanding and he wasn't as cold and uncaring as he seemed.
I always get a little annoyed with stories like this, bc the misunderstandings could've been cleared up much sooner if the couple just communicated. But that's just me tho.

Ch. 3:
Cute, but a little bland.
Girl is worried her bf is not in love with her, but he's just a cute virgin boy.

Ch. 4:
A continuation of a one-shot from one of the author's other works.
The girl is spoiled and pretty useless, but the guy loves her, so ig it's all good. They both deal with some jealousy.
Cute, but a little bland.

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