Lauvil July 25, 2019 11:36 pm

Omg. Came to the comment section to comment: okay, I don't quite trust this guy. What if he just wants Dahliya because she's so inventive, so she'll make him a lot of money? uwu
And then I saw all the comments... xD

Lauvil June 4, 2019 10:17 am

I really don't get why this manga is getting so much hate. If it was a handsome emperor and an unfortunate princess, people wouldn't even bat an eye. There are lots of stories like that out there, and people love them. So why is it a problem when the roles are reversed?

    Kisaki June 4, 2019 11:49 am

    Nope, I would've been the same. What the empress did was rape, it would've been the same if their roles were reversed and the way the guy was acting was also super stupid. The way he thought he could act high and mighty in front of the empress in her own castle when his country was already gone was asking to be killed. Their genders have nothing to do with it

    ms.nolife June 4, 2019 11:51 am

    Ikr? People forget that it's the world building/setting of the story. Apparently in this world they have something close to gender equality and they don't have the same social sensibilities and gender dogmas like irl. Honestly, people should just wait for the story to unfold more. Character development is impossible in 10 chapters in a manhwa--heck we're not even done with intro.

Lauvil May 26, 2019 11:09 pm

Omg, that kiss was everything!
Everything we've been waiting for, for years! So good! Oh, I was happy. (≧∀≦)
Can't seem to shake this horrible feeling, though, that something might happen to Hak. Like he is so injured and Jae Ha says he'll be "right back" for him. I'm so nervous that they'll be separated again or worse, and we won't get our happy ending ┗( T﹏T )┛

Lauvil May 22, 2018 1:27 pm

That escalated quickly... O. O
I thought: Hey, thus is cute. He adores ruiji but kurokawa is actually really nice! I bet, in the week ruiji is gone they'll get to know each other, fall in love and be really cu.. Oh.. Or not. Just straight to the fucking. Uhm, okay...

Lauvil July 13, 2017 1:43 pm

It's such a beautiful story, and even though I cried a bit, it was worth it.
Btw, anyone else notice the book Akira was reading at the end of ch. 5? "Top 100 Dating Spots in Heaven" (≧∀≦)

Lauravil May 19, 2017 10:51 pm

I fell in love with Taki the moment he came through the door all: "Who the hell is he?!"
I new already that he was never gonna get together with the Main, but still hoped for it so bad and was a little disappointed in the end when it didn't happen...
Generally I really loved the art - the characters were distinguishable and had unique faces and facial expressions (a rarety in manga, were it's mostly just the hairstyles that differ) and I liked their designs. But I felt like the story was lacking and the ending was kinda boring...
I also felt like Ryou (who despite being the protagonists main love interest) was really bland and uninteresting. That's probably why he never managed to win me over, and I cheered for Taki instead.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:11 pm

    aww im cheering for taki but more like i cheer for him to find a hot seme! he is totally hot tsundere uke stuff

    Lauvil May 31, 2017 10:55 pm

    Top og bottom, I'll always love you, Taki ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Hien October 14, 2017 7:20 pm
    aww im cheering for taki but more like i cheer for him to find a hot seme! he is totally hot tsundere uke stuff @Anonymous


Lauravil May 5, 2017 12:35 pm

I'm just gonna drop this... It became too stupid.
I mean, if Saku didn't storm out the door immidiatly, but only left the next day, Aki had PLENTY of time to stop him and answer his feelings.
Idiot... I can't...

    Anonymous May 5, 2017 12:49 pm

    I couldn't agree more

Lauravil April 20, 2017 10:43 am

That escalated quickly...

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