Hangago created a topic of Jinx

bruh istg all these tops are so fucking red flag coded. im gagged but not in a good way smh

Hangago created a topic of Codename Anastasia

can we not ruin good art and storyline with rape? you can say "oh just close the tab then" all you want, but then does that mean u are enjoying the storyline when its only going to be "i fell in love with the guy that raped me" thing? like i get that not all stories have to be the same but come on

(and if my "hottake" rlly bothers you, then maybe you should "close a tab". cause we are all just here reading for our own pleasures. so its rlly not that deep. read the story, don't read the story. i dont care. but everyone is entitled to their own opinions.)

stop he cant be serious ;-;

Hangago created a topic of Love in Orbit


tsk tsk tsk couldnt even wait through the movie? they gonna be stumbling through the front door if they dont do smth in the car

Hangago created a topic of Define The Relationship

stop im so happy for them (cant wait for the extras!)

Hangago created a topic of Love in Orbit

now whyd ugo have to go and lie like that, he knows hes in love w him (also hot alien tamales gonna regret makin his manz bleed like dat)

"even the most sex-crazed, bl, top wouldn't be this forceful".....honey. ig he reads the vanilla stuff ._.

Hangago created a topic of Jinx

"i fEeL LiKe sHiT MeH mEh MeH MehH mEhH~" well, sucks for you dude HEH HEH HEH EH no but fr like wtf is dude on like i didnt fucking ask how u felt and i frankly dont care either. he better have a miserable fuck ass time in his chasing era

Hangago created a topic of Puppy Love


Hangago created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

no cause stop he needs to get ran over and then backed up on and then drove over again and then again and again and then AGAIN. i fr aint the one, i would fucking bitch-slap his ass to the next century don't fucking play me. nuh uh. you mess w me and my manz ur gonna wish u never came out of yo dads balls

(anger issues sorry)