I hopped onto this bcs I saw a single panel of old men doing the do but man I came out weeping like a toddler who just shat their pants. I had to throw some morals here and there but it was a wonderful part of the journey. I love how this was a closed ending too! I’d have ripped my hair out if I had to think about Tora and Uichi ending up together.
I swear this is a complex read that digs deep into emotions, societal expectations, and really just life. It made me question mine lol but the definitive ending also got me hopeful.
I hope someone also accidentally stumbles upon this work and feel the tug very deeply. Enjoy!

I feel like all my sins have been forgiven.
Anyway, the second couple, I get all the dislike. But I guess, it's hard to date with a huge gap in life stage? Dahm also recognized how bad the relationship was affecting Sunwoo's schoolife and career thereafter. Can't really blame Dahm for saying that he wanted to leave behind the whole place, including Sunwoo, as it was probably a really sad and traumatic time of his life. I understand that he cannot easily remove Sunwoo as a part of that whole traumatic place.
So yeah, as an (ex) lover who was also treated as a part of a traumatic memory, and left behind for it, I kinda understand Dahm's actions. And Sunwoo letting him go was a difficult decision but might have been the best at that time. I believe that they had those 8 years to heal themselves and grow more as a person. So when they met again, they could be better versions of themselves. And well, not surprisingly, they still liked each other so why not work it out?
I just typed an essay ahaha. I'm still brokenhearted about it tho.
This is very similar to the beast must die but that one was a bit more complex. Nonetheless, these are not normal characters, they need professional help but this was fascinating as twisted characters somehow still had some development.
Also, how did they have a baby if he had aspermia????