i finished this a few days ago but it was so emotional that i had to let it simmer in my thoughts for a bit.
i actually think that their toxicity was the best match because in the start, mc couldnt open up her heart properly knowing that everyone she had close to her would end up dying and leaving her behind. so all she knew in her head was to enact her revenge and basically make their deaths "worth it" in a sense.
the issue with this mindset was with will and their firstborn son. she only knew how to use him and she was 100% aware of it. of course with the ml always hiding things from her, it only enabled her behavior of keeping him at an arm's length and continuing to use him. at the same time, will only knew how to be loyal to rein, even if that meant enacting his own method of revenge at the cost of rein's emotional state. im not excusing either of their actions esp not the mc's bc she basically ends up repeating the generational trauma onto her own son. i always hated how parents would take their hatred of their spouse onto their kids so that was truly disgusting for me to read. but im glad they ended up growing and improving their parental love towards their children in the end.
i know a lot of people are calling mc and ml trash "that only deserve each other" but this is actually the most realistic human behavior in all the manhwas ive ever read. they embody the human nature perfectly and show exactly what would happen to human beings in similar situations as them, that's why i feel like neither of their reactions were unbelievable or excessive. they reacted just as how any other human being would have and i think thats what makes this manhwa so perfect.
disregarding the poor translations, i still cant stand ml. like okay youre jealous and supposedly love the fl but then you get rid of the bracelet that was supposed to help prevent her pain? thats not love, thats control
has riftan found out abt the abuse yet, i dont rly wanna catch up if he hasnt
girl bye and the fact we know shes gonna fall for the amnesia bs ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
5 chapters could easily be merged into 1, i dont understand why 1 chapter is barely even 1 minute long for me
guys is it worth catching up now, i think i paused it after the first season
every time i catch myself feeling bad for sovieshit, i just reread the beginning chapters to remind myself of the bullshit they put navier thru and i continue with my day
see, even if he dies now i wouldnt care, esp since he basically took away ray's entire future
alrigth i need him to go on a killing spree now ggs
ive been on a spree of rereading all the manhwas ive dropped lately and im definitely glad i came back to finish this one. 9/10
i dropped this around the chapters when he basically gave her ptsd and i think its been a little over a year since i dropped it bc that arc was just too much for me. im rly glad that the ml was given time to grow and we were given insight to the reasoning behind who he is as a person. the whole arc of him being a piece of shit just added more to the slowburn and i think it made it a lot more realistic than them just kissing and making up.
the military/war arc towards the end was one of my most favorite and debatable part of this manhwa. ive never read any other manhwa that had a play by play for wars or the fl actually being on the frontline so this was a nice change. the only reason i say its debatable is because she somehow got healed by the fact she was carrying the crown prince's son, which seemed like a lot of plot armor to me, but it definitely did help clear up the ml's rumors. it
this will end up being one of the top manhwas ive ever read because of how the author didnt try to take away the fact that shes a knight just because shes becoming a part of the royal family. i was praying they wouldnt take away her status and just make her into some type of housewife since she got married, so im glad. along with the whole thing abt loyalty and her love for the ml, it just added so much more to the slowburn and development.
okay so i started and finished the whole thing today and its honestly one of the best plots ive read so far
my issue is how they portrayed him as a guy who wouldnt ever entertain any woman but all of a sudden he had a previous fiance??? maybe its just my personal opinion but i feel like she let that slip WAY too easily. i feel like they shouldve explained it a little more or at least mentioned he only saw her as a sister. they also never cleared up how he basically replaced his first fiance with the fl, like there was no explanation or detail for it at ALL. the deaths of his grandmother and the fiance is also unclear. i might just be digging too deep into this but i cant imagine how the fl just glossed over all of this entirely.
besides that, i rly enjoyed the plot because it added actual substance and the traitors werent painfully obviously being suspicious, like the suspense was pretty high(or maybe im just rly dense).
at some point in the middle i was just rooting for her to leave once and for all bc the whole thing with the previous fiance was WAY too much for me. like we can infer how much ml loves the mc but we cant understand his REAL thoughts. i just NEED to know his thought process between his first fiance and fl
i hate u i hate u i hate u i hate u stop fucking reuploading
whoevers reuploading and gave me the notification: i hate u so much
idk if its just me but i feel like the plot is TOO thick now. like i js want all of this to be resolved