Either on a character or in general
Totally not flexing at all..but I've got like 5-6 very visible beauty marks around my face and many small ones as well. Let me tell you..I'm ugly as shit. So point is..if you pretty your beauty marks makes you prettier. But if you ugly..like me..that beauty marks does nothing to improve your ugliness
read the raws and just gotta say it's actually so good. Probs one of my fav BL stories to date!!
Can i please have the link to the raws?
And Can you also spoil the story for me??
I like to know What happens in a story before i read it, i dont know Why.
https://fubl.xyz/cat_intro/33482 i found this in the comment section
Ya so I just used the link to the raws provided in the comments.
I only understood about 10% of the chinese characters but I was able to get a gist of what happens by putting it together with the pictures.
Basically Simone gets really confused about his feelings and goes through an internal crisis.
He went undercover to capture Eugene because apparently 3 years ago, Eugene shot Tito sunbae so badly that he nearly died. Simone has a one-sided crush on Tito, despite them being step brothers.
To get revenge, Simone plans to gain Eugene's trust 100% and then pretty much destroy him once he has it.
However, even though in the past 3 years Simone has learned a lot about Eugene, it's still not enough. Even though they fuck a lot (like a lot a lot lmao), Eugene still keeps him away at arms length, emotionally.
Meanwhile, Tito sunbae and Nagi (the other black haired dude that works with Eugene and Simone) meet accidentally at a cafe. Romance blossoms. (Sorry, I wasn't all too interested in this pairing so didn't try as hard to follow their story xD)
Simone continues to feel torn between loving Eugene and loving Tito sunbae. I think he felt guilty because despite telling himself that sex with a murder was only a means to an end, it felt good, and Eugene doesn't seem like such a bad person. But when he thinks about Tito sunbae, he remembers his love for him and why he's undercover in the first place. (I could be wrong tho - the comics got pretty deep into Simone's psyche; pictures and kindergartener level knowledge of chinese can only get me so far ;-;)
Anyway, so finally Eugene invites Simone to his place. They have sex, and Simone decides that it is time to move forward with his plan. He "fake" confesses to Eugene and tells him that he really likes him. To his surprise, he gets rejected LOL. Eugene says something along the lines of, "Do you know who I am? Why would you say something like this to someone like me?"
Butthurt, Simone leaves mid-fuck and steps into the shower. He's upset, but tries to remind himself that all this is fake, so it shouldn't matter that he got rejected.
Feeling bad, Eugene tries to make up with Simone. They talk some more on the living room couch. Simone tells him that he really likes him, and wants to know everything about him, down to the smallest details. Eugene gives in and was like, "Ok fine I'll tell you my secret."
Okay so, Eugene's tragic back story:
Coming from an orphanage, Eugene gets adopted by these rich guys. He is brought to a mansion, and introduced to another boy (also adopted I think?) who becomes his younger brother. Things are good for a while; they are fed well and get to sleep on soft pillows at night.
But the real reason that they were adopted was so that these people from high society can um... sexually abuse them ://
Yeah.. idk the deets exactly but this is the gist.
Afterwards, Eugene and his little brother were kept in the attic of some tall building. Out of nowhere, his lil bro asks Eugene if he could prop him up so he could get to the window. I think he tells Eugene something innocent like simply wanting to get some fresh air or see the stars but he ends up jumping out the window and commits suicide.
Eugene is shook and completely devastated. According to himself, that was his first murder. ;-;
And so begins Eugene's life of crime. (His next kills were those who abused him and his brother of course.)
Aaaand from the flashback we go back to Eugene's living room. Simone is shooketh, and he says something but I got no idea what he says. Most likely something nice though, because Eugene says something like, "Wow, your kind. For reals," and proceeds to admit that he likes Simone back as well.
The next day, Simone, Eugene, and Nagi works a mission. (Simone as the get away driver, Eugene as sniper, and Nagi as the intel person. Similar to what Oracle from Batman does, ya know?)
An explosion happens, and Tito sunbae happens to be around the crime scene.
As Eugene flees from his sniper position, he runs into these dudes who want to recruit him. They are sent by the police commissioner (secretly evil I guess) who wants Eugene because of his awesome killing skills.
Anyway - somehow, the 4 of them ends up in an underground parking lot, with Tito sunbae hiding behind a beam. Eugene doesn't see him, but Simone does.
The crime trio are surprised by the police and surrounded. Simone is put in a difficult situation; he doesn't want to blow his cover and reveal his identity to Eugene and Nagi, but he also can't let them murder the cops. Basically, he doesn't know which side he's on anymore.
So, being the smart cookie he is, Simone pretends to hold Tito sunbae hostage so that the police won't shoot, and buy time for Eugene and Nagi to get away. It works.
OH YEAH I FORGOT to mention that during this whole ordeal Eugene also saves Simone by taking a bullet for him. But it only hit his shoulder so he's fine lol.
Eugene and Nagi escapes, and Simone returns to the police station with Tito.
Simone becomes overwhelmed with emotion, and tells Tito that he can't do it anymore because playing the bad guy is suffocating him. He ends up confessing his love to Tito sunbae, but gets rejected. Tito rejects him because 1. he can only see Simone as a brother and 2. he is in love with someone else (Nagi).
Simone has a mini break down and attempts to rape Tito. (Yeah :/) However, he didn't get far. Simone is unable to stop himself from seeing Eugene's face as he climbs over Tito, and realizes that this doesn't feel good at all?? Basically, reality did not live up to his expectations; what he longed for was not what he wanted at all. He gets up and leaves.
Man I'm getting so sleepy haha
As Simone leaves the building, he is spotted by Nagi, who's come to visit Tito.
Nagi arrives only to find Tito half-stripped of clothes and sees the bullet scars on his back (the the wounds that Eugene gave him).
Then Tito shows him a picture of him and Simone together, and Nagi has an unsettling thought that maybe Simone might be a rat. After some more talking and learning about each other, they fuck.
Meanwhile, Simone and Eugene are drinking at the bar, with Simone drinking more than usual and deep in thought. They have an intense fuck, and tears involuntarily come to Simone (Wish I knew for sure what he was thinking then, but I don't unfortunately :< I think he might be thinking about finally turning Eugene in, but the thought of it is so painful that it brings him to tears.) Anyway, Eugene gives him a big hug, despite not knowing why Simone's so sad.
The next day, Simone goes to pick Nagi up, but Nagi is passive aggressive to him. They don't get along (because Simone tried to rape Tito? Because he might be a rat? I dunno.)
Simone suspects that Nagi knows his true identity; another reason to end the undercover mission and turn Eugene in.
Not sure what went on in Nagi's head, but despite being suspicious of Simone, he doesn't warn Eugene about him. I think he just calls Eugene and tells him to be careful, but Eugene tells him that he's tired of this life, and would like to rest soon (as in stop killing).
So jump to Tito. He wakes up the next day after banging Nagi, and is almost late to work. He scurries into the station, only to find Simone there also. Simone has decided that he's gonna end it, once and for all, and put Eugene behind bars.
He calls Eugene and invites him for lunch. Unaware, Eugene happily accepts.
Before leaving his apartment for his lunch date, Eugene reaches for his gun out of habit. But he pauses and decides against it.
Eugene and Simone meet in the car. Meanwhile, Nagi is desperately trying to reach Eugene through his cell to warn him of danger, but no dice.
Simone tells Eugene about his story - about how his Grandma died and left him and his step brother Tito behind, and how much he loves his brother.
The police then surround them as the time's up, and Simone arrests Eugene.
Thank you so much for this spoiler but does it just end with that? Does Eugene get arrested, is that how it ends? Or do they (Simone and Eugene) end up together?
But either Way thank you for this
And then, what happen to Eugene ? Does Eugene hate him ?
No, sorry I just got too tired and decided to go to bed oops xD
I didn't really get what happened but basically it's a happy ending.
Simone finds out that Eugene wasn't actually the one that gave Tito the gunshots but instead stopped the guy who was guilty before Tito could be killed.
So the trio teams up to save Eugene, thanks to Nagi's techy skills (they end up blackmailing/exposing the dirty commissioner who wanted to recruit Eugene before, as he was the one behind a lot of the crimes?), but being the badass he is didn't need their help, and had long escaped before Simone shows up.
Simone finds Eugene at some near by bridge, and tries to talk to him. Eugene points his gun at him, and it's revealed that he's been shot by some officer. He pulls the trigger and shoots Eugene in his side. He says something like, "I was fooled by you once but there won't be a second time."
They talk some more (I have no idea what about lol) but eventually they make up?? And then the story cuts to 2 years later, where they both work together at a bar LOL.
That's it!
Thank you
Ya man no prob
TYSM !!! but may i know how much total chapter ?