NafylaMetal March 3, 2024 2:33 pm

Bruh...the hate I'm seeing in the comments for Erika. Like, I get it. I do. A story like this really doesn't even need the romance aspect, and in fact it distracts from the story as a whole. But, really. Imo, she's been one of the better fls I've seen to date in this kinda isekai setting. She's not constantly pestering him to spend time or dote on her. She's not simping and throwing herself at him, or even remotely ecchi or slutty. She's not whiney, or overly chatty, or even just plain dumb like sooo many other isekai fl are. Like, yes...she obviously has flaws and moments where she was just plain wrong, but she's genuinely going through growth and trying to improve on herself after learning from those mistakes. Yes, she still makes some mistakes even after this, but that's what people generally do anyway. She's fumbling around right now trying to find the right way to go about things, but at least she's not deluding herself about it and and owning up herself about the mistakes she's making.

If you're of the opinion that she's a bad fl, then of course your entitled to it, but please let me point you to "The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure" which some of the worst fls are....constantly vying for the ml's attention, interrupting his plans, bothering him when he's busy, getting themselves engaged to him without his opinion taken into consideration, and then being suspecting of him when some other girls fall in love with him all on their own...

In comparison, Erika, while obviously flawed, is still leagues better in my thinking...

    jasmine_aoi March 5, 2024 5:07 pm

    I love erika!
    And i love her even more after being up to date with the novel. She loves loyally but at the same time always tries her best to act calmly and rationally.

    Always bettering herself so she can help harold and never giving up on him even if EVERYTHING is painting him as a villain. And considering the red flags that really NEVER ends. Someone as loyal like erika is a great help. For me, she's like a hope in the dark that may will be able to reach harold.

    I think just like every characters, erika plays a pivotal role in the story.

    Honestly, im shipping and cheering for them so hard. It's painful to see harold going through everything all alone and erika pushing herself off so much.

NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 11:39 pm

Everyone else: Ah-JUUUUUIIIIIIICCCCCCCYYYYYYYY! But yes. He's so. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 5:36 am

So...was hitting Trigger bad? Absolutely! It was uncalled for. However, considering the times and the fact that Trigger was suppose to be her guardian, Alex was in his right to punish him for losing Chloe. Still, in the eyes/mindset of my modern thinking (and us knowing the fact that he was trying to save her from a very possible bad turn of events with her secrets leaking)....bad Duke! Bad!

For those who are shipping Trigger with Chloe. Yes, an arranged/contractual marriage can and has worked out for couples that have no romantic love, and yes, it's very much possible that being with Trigger would lead to Chloe having more certain freedoms than being with Alex...there's definitely more to that picture. As someone already posted, should Chloe ever want to have children or even just a romantic relationship in the future, she would be considered in very bad ways and any freedoms she'd had up til then would get seriously hindered. Not to mention...who's to say that Trigger wouldn't ever come to dislike or resent her for who knows what? Just because they are great friends and understanding of each other now doesn't mean that their relationship couldn't or wouldn't change under the inevitable pressures to have a child or any other thing that might/can happen. So, while it sounds like a win/'s questionable.

As for whether Chole wouldn't be free as the wife of the Duke (and therefore being a Duchess)...that's not entirely accurate either. Yes, she would certainly be beholden to the duties and etiquette required of her rank/station, but that doesn't immediately strip her of freedom. Even in reality, in the old times, Duchesses and a lot of other highly ranked nobles could and did have their hobbies, gardening being one of the more favorable. While is definitely wouldn't be something she could make usual conversations about, it wouldn't be something to be ashamed of either. And seeing as how Alex loves her,(and how much he himself hates the burden of having to "live up to the standard") I can't imagine he would hold her back from doing as she pleases so long as she can do/does the minimum required as his Duchess. Hell, he may just make it where she can do whatever she wants without having to even worry over her "duties". And saying that those duties (should she have to/choose to worry over them) would be too much for her is just undermining her as an intelligent grown woman! Let's not forget that, even if it was for a short time and a time of abuse for her, she is/was a Princess. It may/probably will take her some time to get used to it and learn the ropes, but that's a given when in a new role for anyone/everyone. Even those who are taught the general knowledge from a young age still take time to adjust to the specifics of the work/house/job/duties they eventually find themselves in. Add in the factor that they do love each other and will most likely try to burden the other as little as is it that being with the Duke is an immediate out because of something so vague as freedom? Freedom comes in many ways for different people.

In any case, sorry for the wall. I wanted to address most of the topics I'd seen in the comments. Love this story even if it's a verrrrry slow slow slow burn.

    Shizu July 23, 2021 5:58 pm

    Me can't read but I

    NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 6:01 pm
    Me can't read but I Shizu

    Then thank you very much none the less! Lol

    saredid July 23, 2021 10:16 pm

    how would they fall in love if trigger is gay??

    NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 11:03 pm
    how would they fall in love if trigger is gay?? saredid

    Ummm....don't quite understand why you're asking this, as I never mentioned Trigger being in love/ falling in love? Can you clarify so I can properly respond?

    saredid July 24, 2021 8:41 am
    Ummm....don't quite understand why you're asking this, as I never mentioned Trigger being in love/ falling in love? Can you clarify so I can properly respond? NafylaMetal

    i read wrong nvm

NafylaMetal July 22, 2021 1:19 pm

With red hair.....

Is someone a fan of Julia Roberts? mind just immediately made the connection lol!

    Raon Miru July 22, 2021 3:15 pm

    Nah, my mind went towards Cale Henituse.

    NafylaMetal July 22, 2021 3:20 pm
    Nah, my mind went towards Cale Henituse. Raon Miru that you mention it. But I posted this before actually reading and just went off the image and summary ( ̄∇ ̄")

NafylaMetal July 20, 2021 6:40 pm

Like, noooo..."it's not fan service for the sake of fan service...she needs to have sex to get stronger!!! See how nonchalant they are about it?! Of course it's just for the progression of the character!!!" Fekkin as if!

Fekkin hell. I know. I saw the tag. That's something I knew would be here, but....just to rant a bit.

It's like author's all feel that their shaz wouldn't sell without fan service (which is understandable since a large margin of there audience is actually here for it), but Gawd! I feel less annoyed by fan service that doesn't try to hide behind some wack plot device. Excuse me?! Having sex to get stronger magic?! Not to mention that the MC basically has forced her into it (kissed her the first time suddenly without explaining, knowing full well it would send her into a frenzy after she experienced running out), and she what.....just excepts that shaz without a fuss?!? I'm so done.

I tried to get into this, but at this point it's lost me completely. Have fun y'all!

    NafylaMetal July 20, 2021 6:42 pm

    Edit:....nevermind on the tag part. There was no tag warning of the fan service. I guess I just assumed after the first couple chapters that there should be/was one?

NafylaMetal July 20, 2021 4:05 pm

I just....can't wait to see her reaction to the fact that Letio is literally turning her brother into an assassin. Like...the one thing she hates the most about both Letio and the Prince is that they kill far to easily and are willing to do the same for "her sake". What kind of hate on is she gonna have for Letio after this? He's trying so hard, too hard, to be some kind of savior friend/lover to her, but is turning her brother into something she's gonna inevitably hate.

I guess I'm just waiting on that fall out where she kicks his ass 5 ways to Sunday, makes him wish he knew God, and tells him that he a psychopath that she's never liked and wishes she never met. Ya know? Really tells him about himself and how she's always thought that rather than a savior, he has been the most dangerous to her from the start.

Also won't mind in the slightest if she also got to lay into the Prince a bit as well, cuz he has his issues too!

NafylaMetal July 17, 2021 1:56 pm

Are you a troll?

The answer is undeniably yes. ┗( T﹏T )┛

NafylaMetal July 17, 2021 4:33 am

Is it just me? For real though, the seme is just an ass. Like, okay, maybe you sorta fell for him as a kid cuz he helped you (and that's not really been confirmed yet, but is just the typical troupe with these kinds of stories), but you've literally fekked up the uke's life by all but isolating him as a child and hindering his life goals in quantifiable ways (there's no way you can be a vet of only female patients). And instead of showing him that you care(?), you barge into his life and say "do my bidding and have my child (even though you're a guy and that shouldn't be possible for you, I've literally changed your physical makeup to make it possible). Just put your life on hold and now revolve around my wishes!" ...........................No. Just no. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

And as for the uke. Like, my guy, I get you. All of the above has just happened you and has been seriously stunting your social life and career, however... Instead of being the adult you claim to be and telling this asshole seme the effects he's had on your life and what that's done to you as a person (i.e. losing your childhood friends, never being able to make lasting friendships, and fekking up your dreams), you just cuss him out (understandably), and then tell him to impregnate you and get it over with? Like, no (again). Don't just accept this shit and think it'll be okay after you've been put through all this!!! You're literally giving in and thinking that what?...your life will be fine after you have a kid? Let me repeat. HAVING A KID. GIVING BIRTH TO A CHILD. What are you planning to do during the pregnancy? Leave school and isolate yourself (even more) so it won't be noticed? Claiming to have gotten fat?!? What!? What are you thinking?!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ No matter what plans you think you can make around this choice, having a child is irrevocable and will changed things beyond what you can plan for. Even if you intend to just give the child to asshole seme and try to move on, you'll still have been a guy that gave birth and that IS gonna fekk with you psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and not to mention physically. Hormones are a thing. Morning sickness is a thing. Birth itself is a thing........have you really thunk this through? I get that you are in the heat of some serious emotions right now, but please.

Also, suddenly gay?!? Although honestly it may have just been that you were all along and never had the chance to explore and discover that (asshole seme strikes again), or that the pleasure your experiencing currently is fekking with your already emotionally impaired thinking. Either way, can't really blame you for this. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Ugh. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍....sorry fellow readers/commentors. Just had to rant and get that over with. Lol.

    Aud July 17, 2021 4:48 am

    Ugh, tl;dr. Seme is an ass though.

    CandyApple July 17, 2021 4:53 am
    Ugh, tl;dr. Seme is an ass though. Aud


    NafylaMetal July 17, 2021 4:59 am
    Ugh, tl;dr. Seme is an ass though. Aud

    That's why I apologized lol. But yes. He's an ass.

NafylaMetal July 13, 2021 11:24 pm

Is that really such a big deal? I had a neighbor (maybe 20ish?) when I was really young (maybe 7?) who looked exactly like me in her childhood photos. So much so that my mom and her joked that we could've been twins. But here I am, now 30, and don't look a thing like she did in her 20s or how she looks now. At most the fl and the "real" sister looked alike as children, but we have no way of knowing what the real sis would've looked like at the same age fl is now. Even identical twins can grow up looking completely different depending on their individual habits and such. And even if the fl and sister would've looked exactly alike, it's not as if the brothers or anyone could know since she unfortunately died. Can we please stop making drama over a non issue?

    Nickles13 July 14, 2021 12:05 am

    While that is true I feel like it's not the resemblance that bothered me but the fact that they were raised as siblings. Like it's just plain weird to like your sibling, blood related or not especially if you guys were raised together even briefly.

    JIAN July 14, 2021 12:33 am
    While that is true I feel like it's not the resemblance that bothered me but the fact that they were raised as siblings. Like it's just plain weird to like your sibling, blood related or not especially if you g... Nickles13

    So y'all calling other people who married their CHILHOOD FRIEND disgusting too? Just think abt the logic they grew up together and as a siblings why aren't childhood friends too?

    g e L e e K July 14, 2021 12:42 am
    So y'all calling other people who married their CHILHOOD FRIEND disgusting too? Just think abt the logic they grew up together and as a siblings why aren't childhood friends too? JIAN

    YEAHHHHHH!!! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    NafylaMetal July 14, 2021 12:55 am
    While that is true I feel like it's not the resemblance that bothered me but the fact that they were raised as siblings. Like it's just plain weird to like your sibling, blood related or not especially if you g... Nickles13

    I have to agree with Jian a bit here. I have friends who I grew up together with, were with every single day, who I considered siblings and who considered each other as siblings...and they are happily married now and have been for years now. There were summers where we stay at each other's houses the entire time as kids, their parents became my second and 3rd parents and my mom was theirs. We were all raised together as close as some siblings wish they could be. But their feelings changed as they changed...I don't they they are weird to have fallen in love and be together. It might have been different if we grew up thinking we actually were siblings, but we knew that we weren't. Just like the fl and ml know and have known that they are not. Not once since they have know each other did they not know that they weren't actually siblings...and in they story their feelings haven't been those that siblings have since the beginning (even before the time rewind)...and even with that, they tried to hide those feelings and be the siblings that they were "supposed" to be...but you can't expect them to push their actual feelings aside and be unhappy forever just to placate what people around them (and in this case some commentors) want/expect them to be.

NafylaMetal June 29, 2021 1:08 pm

But only while she was talking about someone being able to sneak in....sus. And I think Ethan is a cover the artist is using to throw us off....or they both are hiding something?Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

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