I really like story #2. Rugby is a seriously strenuous and extremely athletic sport. It takes a lot of guts and power, but at the same time players must be diligent to not seriously injure themselves. Anyways, I really hate it when people stereotype. A person can like anything they want. Besides, those other asshole members should know better than anyone how great a rugby player Himeno-san is. Liking a teddy bear doesn’t, won’t, and can’t change that either. Also, I think it’s great that Himeno-san enjoys cute things! I can tooooootally relate! Too bad he’s gay, I’d for sure date him, lol.
I am more than pleased that arrogant, uneducated, narcissistic b*tch will suffer by drowning. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Drowning is terrifying as I have experienced it to a minor extent when I was a kid. The feeling of inhaling water, your lungs spasming, and choking while trying to grasp for anything in reach is no joke. Drowning is one of the worst ways to go in my opinion, I just hope hers will be eternal. She is not someone who will learn and that’s just the reality of her character.
Should have shown more of her suffering
That’s true, I would have liked it if the manga elaborated more on her suffering. I wonder if the artist/writer had a limit to how many pages they could do?