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i am a man who loves sof t bl holy shit theyre so good please drop me suggestions and shit thank you /// would appreciate it if it didnt contain any spicy things yk :) (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
whats your favourite japanese song and why is it touch you
Heartache - ONE OK ROCK
The instrumental part of touch you just fuckin SLAPS i can't stop listening it's so unfair
Lost umbrella
Yasssssssss omagah,,,, its freaking good huhu
the lyrics are just very emotional yk ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
fuyu no hanashi and yuki no hana
endless rain, kurenai, tears by X Japan.
drown by milet
mukanjyo by survive said the prophet
listen to them, search up their meanings and you'll see why they are my favs
also stay with me by miki matsubara is one of my favs too, give them a chance.
silhouette and tiny light :') if non anime its hitchcock by yorushika
Beelzebub ending song
TK from 凛として時雨 - Chou No Tobu Suisou, or
Because they make complicated and interesting music, and their voice is totally my type(⌒▽⌒)
Literally anything by Takayan,,, man’s a legend I swear.