Scout's experience ( All 0 )

Scout's answer ( All 522 )

about question
i hope to get married one day! kids are a maybe leaning towards no, depending on my financial situation mostly. i definitely feel the pressure tho... i'm one of the last in my group of cousins to have kids so the aunties and uncles are being annoying about it.   reply
3 days
Scout 22 05,2024
author of some sorts, i'm so tired of working and having a strict schedule. (my true dream is marrying rich and my spouse being 98 years old and he dies naturally like four months later)   reply
22 05,2024
about lmao
i woke up with a huge dick and freaked out so i drove myself to the hospital from the back seat of my car and i was unable to control the car correctly because i could only reach the steering wheel but not the pedals so i was terrified the entire time...   reply
22 05,2024
people dont know the difference between a bad work of literature and their negative opinion. just because you dont like it doesnt mean its badly written. things that dont make a piece of literature bad: you found it boring, dont like the personalities of the characters, dont like the art style, dont like the direction the story is headed, found t......   6 reply
20 05,2024
Me coming here to yap about the same woman every chance i getanyways: TSUKUYO!! i love her   1 reply
16 05,2024

Scout's question ( All 4 )

You know those shows that everyone raves about right? The ones everyone and their mom watched and ranked in their top ten. Except when you watch it... it falls so short? What are those series for you guys and why?

For me it was Clannad and Clannad After Story. I watched both and felt almost nothing for any of the characters. I honest to god can't even remember the story. I didn't hate it, just don't care for it but it's a series that seems to be important for literally everyone else lol
03 08,2020
Scout 11 06,2020
Hi so I just made a discord and have no one on it... So I'm wondering if anyone would like to add me? 18+ only please c: Scout#7579
11 06,2020
Mine is Si Veo a Tu Mamá- Bad Bunnyヾ(☆▽☆)
What about you guys?
02 06,2020
Scout 19 05,2020
I'm currently in southwest USA and there's moths EVERYWHERE. We counted 15 in our house this morning, not including the dozens hanging out between the front and screen doors. Is anyone else dealing with this??
19 05,2020

People are doing

did made a discord server


2 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

7 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

8 hours