im a coward and id never admit my feelings first lol she confessed first and took my reaction as a rejection and then i chased her down and confess i liked her (the relationship was so incredibly toxic)
left the country lmaoo had my sitting in a bus looking out the window main character moment and arrived to a literal dumpster fire of ppl ready to call the coast guard or something
love triangle no i hate it theres always unnecessary drama and the mc always goes with the worst choice. but poly could be cute if everyone at least cares and likes each other. im so tired of the poly ships where mc is dating two people who hate each other and are constantly in competition.
my ex's friend messaged me on instagram right after graduation basically saying hed always liked me but out of respect for my ex he never made a move but he did so entirely in roleplay i vividly remember him opening with a '-wipes sweat nervously off forehead- h-hey -chuckles-'
had to stay professional while a couple broke down in front of me because their baby is sick and needs palliative care and will most likely decline and pass... its not part of my job i was just the first person they came across and they had questions about their plan... idk how the coordinators do it without breaking down because i was ready to sit......
ive had multiple ppl ask me where i got my bbl done... im just built like this
-strawberry cheesecake
-vanilla (because it goes best w toppings)
restaurants, we do lots of bars/breweries/clubs, if its a chill day we go to someones house and make food together and do karaoke in the living room, mini golf and archery, arcades or the casino sometimes. taking a drive and picking a nice place to have a little treat and gossip in the car, shopping.
i always felt weird about this! for some reason its always a middle eastern/arab based royal who shows up in the most stereotypical clothes ever and theyre portrayed as a passionate, exotic, and wild lover and its just... ick...
oh man recently theres been an increase so heres the highlights
1. a few years ago i threw up on my boss at the time. it was traumatizing but we laugh about it now.
2. someone called the police in the middle of the night for a domestic violence call, it was summer and the air conditioner sucked so i did what anyone else would do and slept in the ......
saved to send to my friend during their meeting because i know itll make them laugh inappropriately
no wtf why would i they make so much on their own and if this place goes down i promise you theres like 4 more illegal sites to replace it
honestly im kinda impressed by this ngl its well written
if going to the gym isnt your thing go to the mall and walk for a long time. like til your feet hurt. buy yourself something small and a snack. then go home and do some self care. hot shower, moisturize, fav drink, fav chill hobby, wind down for bed and go to sleep.
i wouldnt have a problem showing them my account they know what i like. half arent interested in manga/anime at all and the other half only read on official sites lol
'can dogs eat jicama?' i dropped my fruit cup and my dog swiped a piece of jicama before i can pick it up. (its safe and healthy snack for dogs in moderate quantities)
it honestly depends because if its just watching i think its alright if its in moderation and not an addiction. but i feel like paying for it is a little cagy tbh. some ppl dont watch porn with the intention to fantizise about the specific ppl in the video and more on the action being done. like it crosses that line when you pay for a specific pers......
i had nightmares from this movie for months and the ending makes me so upset every time i think about it