i think it's always been authors choice on anatomy in omegaverse... it's best not to think about it too hard because it kind of changes from story to story... i read one once where female alphas could only get pregnant but instead of a knot they just had extreme gorilla grip pussy lamoo
a lot of the ones i avoid have already been said but a maybe controversial take: isekai. especially if paired with shounen and a comedy tag? its almost guaranteed to be more fanservice than plot. same with school life+shounen+comedy it feels icky
idk where you live that its just this easy but people struggle to find jobs mostly because companies are asking for too much i terms of qualifications and they also just don't hire. its a serious problem in retail at least. they're understaffed but management wont hire anyone but they'll keep the now hiring sign up. but also anything that isnt basi......
i like to call it the 'i can fix him trope' lol and it's seen everywhere. but yea idk why people have such a fascination with the kind of stories where someone is completely broken and that causes their shit personality and then through perseverance and love they come out a changed person at the end.
even irl ive had friends in shit relationships......
no and i dont think i ever will BUT theres an offer for one if i ever wanted only if im okay with it going on their onlyfans....
all bugs and arachnids. also snakes.
english, spanish, and french. spanish is my first language then i learned english in school when moved to the u.s. i started learning french in high school and continued in collage. its similar to spanish so i had an easy time, i'm not fluent but its good enough lol
I ghost people sometimes instead of talking it out. like an ex coworker i was trying to hang out with kept canceling our plans with almost unreasonable excuses and instead of bringing it to attention and talking it out i just ignored her. i want to change but idk i feel like i'd come off as a bother
a woman who looks like she can kick my ass but is actually an awkward shy girl
that reminds me of the last time i went to mexico lol my cousin dragged me along to her usual hang out spots and would let me socialize with her friends and one guy was very persistent with me. like following me begging to get my number, dance with him, go to his house etc. well when she noticed she hit him hard because he was being handsy and was ......
most likely not. i dont like children and its because i'm currently am not emotionally capable of handling children and i'd be messed up of me to bring one in before i can work on my issue. ironic since i have names i've picked out for my hypothetical children lol
also! my family has high chances of multiples! i dont want twins/triplets!!
i use to have vivid nightmares as a result of a medication and i honestly cant remember the entire dream but i do remember it involved a creature the size of a kid and it had killed so many people and i was able to smell the puddles of blood and feel my feet splash in it and i saw the bodies mangled in detail and i woke up because i felt the monste......
bad translations. i've been so invested in plot lines i've read shit translations in english, spanish, french and once in portuguese lmaooo
i'm doing pretty good right now! i'm having a little reunion dinner tonight with the girls i worked in retail with during the 2020 quarantine as we trauma bonded lol i won an award at work for helping make quarterly goals so thats fun. i also dropped a dress size (yay!) also one of my close friends is moving back to the city so i get to see her in ......
Chilaquiles!! its fast cheap and easy and its going to taste amazing every single time
mini pharmacy. bandaids, wet wipes, pads/tampons, deodorant, Chapstick, over the counter meds like pain killers, anti nausea, stomach issues, heartburn,etc.
it sounds like you're pissed a hot girl in provocative clothes walking by was enough to get your crushes attention away from you.
but just to poke some flaws in your logic. you say that the way one is dressed is the reason for their assault? because the first time i was assaulted i was wearing men's Dickies pants, a men's polo shirt, and a blue ......
i block all of the influencer/ famous tiktoks.... you are in charge of curating your internet experience use the block button and 'not interested' button liberally