If Xianfeng is currently a girl at a thing at night and that girl is texting his phone, how is Yushuang answering the texts during the day and as a girl...? that's a big thing for the author to miss...
Yea but I was pointing out how the other girl was texting Xianfeng's phone with him,as a girl, right next to him but Yushuang was answering them in the daytime... Like wouldn't it make more sense if she was at their apartment as a boy since it was night time? or was it the day after? I just thought maybe the author got mixed up and forgot that if Xianfeng was a girl then Yushuang would be a boy...
I see a lot of comments saying that this is too unrealistic but i find it only a little embellished... my parents weren't forced to marry the same way but they were pressured heavily. They were 15 when they had their first kid. Both had to drop their lives and marry and live in a tiny shack my dad's family provided. It had one window, dirt floor, no pluming, and no heating. Sure they could have not gotten married but their community was really pressuring them and they didn't feel they had much of a choice. This happened to a lot of people not just my parents. And, this was in Mexico in the 90's, not long ago at all. So I definitely see how a culture that is more traditional might jump to these extremes. Again maybe Kana and Ayra could have said no and not married but then what? Become ostracized by the only community they've known? Where would they go as two teens with no support? We don't know what consequences they would have faced if they didn't marry. It's an awful situation and I wish it didn't happen to anyone :(
This is one of the only web comics I've read where one person from the main couple isn't a butt to the other. It's so refreshing!
Meant to like :)