This is REALLY long so there is a Tl;dr at the end.
I don't know if I can continue reading this; not because I don't like it or think it's badly written (I even adore all of the characters), it's just that I don't know if I can continue to wait a whole week for a chapter that makes me feel frustrated and hurt and horrible.
I want them to reconcile so bad. Euncheol stop being a dumbass and listen to your future hubby's feelings. (︶︿︶)=凸
Now, on the actual critique. The progression of the story has a really nice pace, not too fast but fast enough so almost every chapter is at least a little bit eventful and so that the story doesn't drag on and on. The art style is real pretty and the chemistry between the 2 main characters (before this whole shit show) was immaculate (+1 for the amazing sex scenes).
For jongghu I wish nothing but happiness. The mc has continuously hurt him and completely undermined or down right ignored his hubby's feelings, even though he has finally learned his mistake and is trying to make things better.
That constant neglect has led jongghu into doing the unthinkable, that is sexually assaulting him before running away, as a last resort to make his feelings noticed by the mc. So even though I think that what he did was incredibly heinous and on impulse, I can't help but put some of the blame on the mc, which is honestly quite unfair, since it's not the fault of the person that got attacked for getting sexually assaulted, even if that person has been treating the assaulter like shit.
On to the mc. I think he is a piece of shit on one hand, but somewhat justified in his actions on the other. By that I mean that even though he has treated jongghu like shit and only cared about himself, I can see past some of what he has done and excuse some of his actions because of all the trauma he has experienced. When you get traumatized in some way, you tend to consciously or unconsciously treat others the same way you have been treated. Looking at euncheol and his relationships, most of them have looked at him as a "pervert" or as someone to relieve some of their sexual frustrations with, so that's why I can understand why he treated jongghu as basically nothing more than a human dildo, someone only useful for sex (which is obviously wrong). I think that trauma response has been executed perfectly so far in this read. What I believe euncheol needs to help him realize how important jongghu is to him, is exactly what happened, which is jongghu running away for good and distancing himself from him.
Lastly jouseong. I honestly don't know how to feel about him. Although he has been hurt in his past, which makes me sympathize with, I can't help but resent him (strong word but you get my point) for his attempt of taking advantage of someone who is emotionally unstable at the moment to fulfill his own needs and selfish desires (I believe it wasn't on purpose, since he doesn't seem like a bad person and genuinely liked euncheol). However, with that said, seeing as he is not a bad person but just a normal person with human desires who just happened to be with the wrong person the wrong moment, I can see past his previous actions and focus on the present, when he has finally realized his situation and that his relationship with euncheol is hurting both of them, deciding to end it and on his final words of encouragement and support towards euncheol finding jongghu.
Right now I can't bring myself to rate this series with 5 stars because even though I adore it, my rating depends on the way this conflict is handled from beginning to end. However, it is progressing really nicely at the moment so I have high hopes.
Tl;dr Although the characters have done some dumb shit (including jouseong), I can sympathize with them, their feelings and their situations and come to understand why they behave like that (a sign that the characters are well written honestly).
Lastly, I love this series and everything about it but I'm hesitant to rate it 5 stars because I don't know if the current conflict of jongghu running away is to get resolved appropriately.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk ( ̄∇ ̄")