sourBunn followed a goer
18 03,2021
sourBunn created a topic of Our Future (Cheok Kong)

I'm sorry but I don't think I can continue reading about Andy and Martin. I see no chemistry between them. The only thing I see is a gay guy bullying another gay (or maybe bi) guy who hasn't fully accepted himself yet and the author trying to call it romance and flirting. And Im not even talking about the rape scene yet which I fear will get glossed over seeing how their relationship is progressing.
I don't know, I really wanna see Andy standing his ground and serve this cocky rapist bastard Martin a slice of humble pie.
And ffs Andy stop blushing 24/7 for Martin and realize that what he did to you wasn't being rough or some shit but it was him literally raping you.

sourBunn created a topic of Master Of Master

So, like a week or so ago, I pretty much wrote a whole novel about this series in which I talked about, among many other things, how I wasn't confident in rating this series five stars yet because I didn't know how this conflict would be solved and I must say though it was a bit sudden and quick I really liked how it was solved because it felt like a weight was lifted from my heart.
I know I sound a bit dramatic but for like a month and half, even though every new chapter would make me feel horrible and empty inside, due to my attachment to the characters and the story, I kept coming back for more every week knowing full well how it would make me feel.
Now that that heartbreaking shit is finally over and my two muffins can be together, I can confidently give it the 5 stars it deserves.

Ps. Expect another novel from me when this series comes to a conclusion because my obsession and love for it is starting to get unhealthy ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

sourBunn created a topic of Our Future (Cheok Kong)

Although I love the main couple and think they are really cute together, after reading the recent chapters, I can't say the same for Andy and Martin.
First, let's get this out of the way. Martin raped Andy or at the very least abused him (please don't even try to deny it, I really don't want to have this conversation, and don't try to justify it with "Andy liked it so it's ok" or some BS like that). I really hope this gets brought up and addressed later on in this series and doesn't get swept under the rug.
Right now, Martin is extremely arrogant and cocky but not in a charming way where his other attributes make up for it, instead he comes off annoying. I hope that later on, he goes through a character development where he doesn't necessarily lose that arrogance but develops other characteristics to make said arrogance bearable.
Andy to me is a weird character because even though he is clearly deep into the closet, he is visibly infatuated with Martin even with everything he has done to him to the point of even getting jealous of chris. I would also like to see him undergo some character development because I don't see any reasoning behind his infatuation with Martin.
In conclusion, as far as I've seen from their relationship, I believe an actual relationship between these 2 would be extremely toxic and unhealthy and that they should not end up together. However, I do think there is potential for them to positively influence each other but I'm not too sure about that either.

sourBunn created a topic of Love Tractor

Honestly the more I read this the more confused I become about in suh (I think that's how you write his name? I don't remember). I can't understand him and what he is thinking no matter how hard I try. I don't know if I like him or not and I don't even know what his intentions are. One time he comes off as selfish and the other as selfless, immature and then mature, conceited but then genuinely caring.
All in all, this discourse inside of me confuses me about whether or not I believe he is well-written because I can't tell if his behaviour constantly contradicts itself on purpose or on accident like it was a mishap from the writer.
Maybe he is that well-written, written with a lot of layers, written with complexity in mind or maybe I am overthinking it.

sourBunn created a topic of Master Of Master

This is REALLY long so there is a Tl;dr at the end.
I don't know if I can continue reading this; not because I don't like it or think it's badly written (I even adore all of the characters), it's just that I don't know if I can continue to wait a whole week for a chapter that makes me feel frustrated and hurt and horrible.
I want them to reconcile so bad. Euncheol stop being a dumbass and listen to your future hubby's feelings. (︶︿︶)=凸
Now, on the actual critique. The progression of the story has a really nice pace, not too fast but fast enough so almost every chapter is at least a little bit eventful and so that the story doesn't drag on and on. The art style is real pretty and the chemistry between the 2 main characters (before this whole shit show) was immaculate (+1 for the amazing sex scenes).
For jongghu I wish nothing but happiness. The mc has continuously hurt him and completely undermined or down right ignored his hubby's feelings, even though he has finally learned his mistake and is trying to make things better.
That constant neglect has led jongghu into doing the unthinkable, that is sexually assaulting him before running away, as a last resort to make his feelings noticed by the mc. So even though I think that what he did was incredibly heinous and on impulse, I can't help but put some of the blame on the mc, which is honestly quite unfair, since it's not the fault of the person that got attacked for getting sexually assaulted, even if that person has been treating the assaulter like shit.
On to the mc. I think he is a piece of shit on one hand, but somewhat justified in his actions on the other. By that I mean that even though he has treated jongghu like shit and only cared about himself, I can see past some of what he has done and excuse some of his actions because of all the trauma he has experienced. When you get traumatized in some way, you tend to consciously or unconsciously treat others the same way you have been treated. Looking at euncheol and his relationships, most of them have looked at him as a "pervert" or as someone to relieve some of their sexual frustrations with, so that's why I can understand why he treated jongghu as basically nothing more than a human dildo, someone only useful for sex (which is obviously wrong). I think that trauma response has been executed perfectly so far in this read. What I believe euncheol needs to help him realize how important jongghu is to him, is exactly what happened, which is jongghu running away for good and distancing himself from him.
Lastly jouseong. I honestly don't know how to feel about him. Although he has been hurt in his past, which makes me sympathize with, I can't help but resent him (strong word but you get my point) for his attempt of taking advantage of someone who is emotionally unstable at the moment to fulfill his own needs and selfish desires (I believe it wasn't on purpose, since he doesn't seem like a bad person and genuinely liked euncheol). However, with that said, seeing as he is not a bad person but just a normal person with human desires who just happened to be with the wrong person the wrong moment, I can see past his previous actions and focus on the present, when he has finally realized his situation and that his relationship with euncheol is hurting both of them, deciding to end it and on his final words of encouragement and support towards euncheol finding jongghu.
Right now I can't bring myself to rate this series with 5 stars because even though I adore it, my rating depends on the way this conflict is handled from beginning to end. However, it is progressing really nicely at the moment so I have high hopes.

Tl;dr Although the characters have done some dumb shit (including jouseong), I can sympathize with them, their feelings and their situations and come to understand why they behave like that (a sign that the characters are well written honestly).
Lastly, I love this series and everything about it but I'm hesitant to rate it 5 stars because I don't know if the current conflict of jongghu running away is to get resolved appropriately.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk ( ̄∇ ̄")

sourBunn created a topic of Kisses x Kiss x Kisses

So I've seen some comments talking about how mijeong, while thinking that the world is against him, is actually kinda spoiled and although I understand that that might be the truth, I feel like it's only one side of the truth, which makes me want to sympathize with him and his feelings.
Looking at his relationship with his family members, even though they have a close relationship and obviously love each other, to me it seems that mijeong feels that he is not respected by the others, that he, his opinions and his experiences are constantly being undermined because they view him as immature and impulsive. Though, I can also understand where the family members are coming from (since he has definitely acted immaturely and on impulse many times), I can't help but feel like this response is extremely damaging to mijeong's self esteem, which probably gradually makes him hesitant to share his feelings and opinions with others in fear of getting shamed for them and only helps to further worsen his inferiority complex.
All in all, I believe that his family members do genuinely care about him and harm him without even knowing and that mijeong getting into a relationship with hangyul is going to do wonders for his social development and will help in undoing some of that harm caused by his family.

Now that that "novel" is over, I really want to see some cute development between the 2 leads and also between naseon and chorong so much. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

sourBunn followed thing

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09 03,2021
sourBunn created a topic of No Love Zone Webtoon

Currently at ch.12
So I just picked this up and I don't know how anyone can find the seme charming or even tolerable. His antics come off so petty, childish and annoying to the point that I'm rooting for the uke to just quit and work somewhere far away from him (even tho I find the uke almost just as unbearable).
At this point, I'm only reading this for the potential smut and the uke's siblings cause they are 2 cute little dumplings.
Overall, at least as far as I've read, the art style is really pretty and it's not badly written by any means, it's just that the protagonists are annoying and have no chemistry for me