So, like a week or so ago, I pretty much wrote a whole novel about this series in which I talked about, among many other things, how I wasn't confident in rating this series five stars yet because I didn't know how this conflict would be solved and I must say though it was a bit sudden and quick I really liked how it was solved because it felt like a weight was lifted from my heart.
I know I sound a bit dramatic but for like a month and half, even though every new chapter would make me feel horrible and empty inside, due to my attachment to the characters and the story, I kept coming back for more every week knowing full well how it would make me feel.
Now that that heartbreaking shit is finally over and my two muffins can be together, I can confidently give it the 5 stars it deserves.
Ps. Expect another novel from me when this series comes to a conclusion because my obsession and love for it is starting to get unhealthy ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I'm sorry but I don't think I can continue reading about Andy and Martin. I see no chemistry between them. The only thing I see is a gay guy bullying another gay (or maybe bi) guy who hasn't fully accepted himself yet and the author trying to call it romance and flirting. And Im not even talking about the rape scene yet which I fear will get glossed over seeing how their relationship is progressing.
I don't know, I really wanna see Andy standing his ground and serve this cocky rapist bastard Martin a slice of humble pie.
And ffs Andy stop blushing 24/7 for Martin and realize that what he did to you wasn't being rough or some shit but it was him literally raping you.
I agree with everything u said but when did he get raped... ant sex they had that I remember was asked for ???
bruh there was no rape scene wtf??
To clarify, some people might not consider it "rape" (I do) but I think we can all agree that it was at the very least abuse.
You don't shove your penis in someone mouth or penetrate the other person without prepping them and then justify it with "oh well he was hard so he liked it".
you do realize this is physiological fiction yaoi, like look at the tags for fucks sake dont come complaning when it's triggering later.
Wait hold awn- I read it again and I was right he did get raped point blank period. When did he give consent? He was literally silent from most of it. And don't even start with well he went to his house or shit like that. It doesn't mean shit. Did he say yes to giving Martin a blowjob or was his dick forced into his mouth? Did he say to Martin fucking him or did he just put it in? Please stop justifying rape.
You don’t have to read it. It’s not for everyone. This is for people who enjoy certain kinks. I should also mention that it’s also cultural. In many East Asian cultures, this is seen as more of a “normal” way to consent.
Wow people are quite harsh against you! Personally I completely agree! Well said! Also about the "just don't read it then", I don't know if it's the same for other people but as for me I don't actually mind rape, abuse and other toxic things in a story as long as long as it's handled properly. Like proper apologies, redemption etc and not being glossed over. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that hearing that a story contains those elements is not gonna scare me off per default. And here I feel like it will most likely get glossed over considering how unapologetic Martin behaves. Also, in this story I wasn't even prepared for it. I mean, the first couple was super cute! (Had their kinks but still consensual!)
I completely agree with you. Also I don't understand why people are getting mad over me condemning actual rape (not consensual rape play between adults). I don't generally have a problem with heinous crimes taking place in a work, sometimes I even welcome it if it helps provide good character development. My problem lies with the fact that it is not getting addressed as something heinous and instead the characters involved seem nonchalant about it.
But again, as I've said before, consent is crucial and in this case, I'm sorry but it wasn't given.
Never said it was triggering to me. I have read a lot of fiction that handle rape or topics similar to rape. My problem is that it is being handled as if it wasn't rape and it was something completely normal and I don't believe it is going to be addressed properly in future chapters. That's what I find fundamentally wrong with this read.
Everyone condemns rape though? The people getting mad also know rape is bad. Nobody is special for saying “Rape is bad.” A lot of Yaoi mangas do gloss over rape, it’s common, so it’s something to be expected. I guess people who are new might not know this. Because this is fiction already, many people do read it for their rape kinks. People forget that this is for adults (you have to buy it) and this rape theme is a common trope they want to see.
Just because rape is often glossed over in mangas doesn't mean that it's undeserving of criticism. And rape play and actual rape are too very different things. Everything that comes to sex needs consent in order to be valid.
And again, just because it is an adult manga doesn't mean rape (NOT rape play) is something normal and justified.
Also, just because people are aroused from a trope/action, it doesn't mean that it's immune from criticism or should be written as something normal. Hell, I have a rape kink too, but that is completely irrelevant because this isn't playful consensual rape, it is real rape.
To sum up, it's all about the presentation and execution of a trope/action, not the trope/action itself.
Because I have already discussed my opinion on rape play and actual rape with other commenters I'll focus on your second argument.
First of all, rape isn't part of anyone's culture. In countries where rape does happen frequently due to discrimination etc, it has nothing to do about culture and everything to do with politics and power.
Second, placing rape into east asian countries' culture does not give the effect you think it does, it just helps perpetuate harmful stereotypes against asian countries (being barbaric, uncivilized etc).
As I've said in other comments, having rape in a story is not a bad thing, the presentation and execution of said action is what matters.
Thank you for responding nonetheless
I didn’t say nobody can criticize it but don’t be surprised that people criticize your comment right back since they get tired of seeing the same comments all the time. This is not actual rape!!! This is a fictional story with characters that are not real! So it does fall into rape play. Actual rape involves living people who get raped.
Yes, consent is needed in real life but this is a fictional story for people who have a rape kink. People who have rape kinks don’t justify rape. They know rape is wrong, but they can still enjoy these stories. It’s a rape fantasy being played in a fictional story. The reason why I say adults is because adults are less likely to romanticize and internalize stories like this. So adults are allowed to pay for these stories. You can say it’s wrong, but experts disagree with you.
Rape fantasies are completely normal, according to actual experts and books/stories about rape are usually for the purpose of gratifying those fantasies. You can hate the execution but again, this is not meant to be a serious story about someone who got raped. Andy is freaking blushing and jealous because of Martin. There is a play going on between them.
I have read amazing stories where it’s meant to be taken more seriously and rape is handled well. But this story is not it.
My whole point is that you can’t be shaming people for enjoying and seeking these stories to satisfy their kinks. This is rape play because the story is not real. The only time rape is real is when someone (A living thing) actually gets raped.
Since I've elaborated on my opinion enough I have one thing left to say.
Please stop being rape apologists, hold people accountable even if they are fictional characters because the morals you hold reading a story translate to real life.
And also please realize the fundamental differences in rape and rape play and how important consent is.
I'm not kink shaming anyone, I have never and will never. However, I'm not going to not talk about something that bothers me because someone finds it arousing or just likes it.
Lastly, this might sound rude but if you don't think what happened was rape, I would suggest going to a therapist because you may have experienced something traumatic that made you think what happened was normal and if you have I'm genuinely sorry.
Ps. you are allowed to like something that other people don't like, just be respectful and if you disagree with me on anything please respond to me. I'm a very opinionated person and I love talking with people about things I like or don't like. (▰˘◡˘▰)
Wow, you misread my comment. I didn’t say rape is part of our culture, I said the way it’s handled is way different from what you have been taught. In East Asian countries, saying “no” during sex is expected since it means they are demure. Hence why people who want sex also say “no.” You can say it’s fucked up but it’s the reality.
I am East Asian so I am allowed to speak about my background. The point of my comment was to shed light on this matter. Thanks.
Since I don’t want people putting words in my mouth, I am not a “rape apologist.” I am mature enough to not have fictional rape fantasies translate to real life. Hence why this is for adults or mature audiences. I also know rape happening in real life is not to be blamed on women who have rape fantasies and kinks. My morals are to not shame people for their kinks. I also stand with actual living rape victims, which has nothing to do with women writing fantasy stories (like this one) for other people. I wish people would understand the difference between rape play (which this is since it’s fictional and aimed at people with rape fantasies) and actual rape which happens in real life. It’s harmful when people say this is a real rape.
I really disagree with most you said but again we can agree to disagree on some things.
However, I want to say this. I never said that people can't disagree with me, in fact I welcome it, I'm very opinionated and I will say what I have to say about anything, which is why i also don't care if other people get tired of hearing the same things.
I too have read other stories where topics like this are handled amazingly which is why my opinion on this story is more harsh.
Also I agree that rape stories are normal, I'm only saying that this particular rape story isn't handled, in my opinion, appropriately.
Yeah, what happened between Martin and Andy is not the main topic of the story but that doesn't mean it can't have a proper progression or get handled properly.
Furthermore, people are allowed to have any kink they have if it involves consent with their partner or partners.
Lastly, I'm sorry but no, rape play has nothing to do with fiction, rape play is about what a couple decides to do, be it in real life or not. Also, rape has nothing to do with fiction, it has everything to do about whether or not a person forced or coerced someone to have sex with them, be it in real life or not. And I recognize that pretty much everybody who commented or didn't comment on my original post knows that rape is bad, but it's completely irrelevant to the argument because I'm talking about the execution of it.
Anyways, thank you for sharing you point of view with me. :)
I guess I did misread your comment a little bit since I thought you were trying to justify it so Im genuinely sorry for the miscommunication.
However, I mostly used your comment as a means to make my argument about rape justification.
But it seems we agree about that so that's that I guess.
Thank you for sharing your views with me and again sorry for the miscommunication.
I feel like I am repeating myself but this is part of rape play. I am not saying rape did not happen in this story, but for the humans reading, it’s rape play since they read it for their sexual kinks through fictional characters. I hope this makes sense. Rape play can include stories involving rape, such as this story since it’s considered erotica. Rape play is anything that induces erotic feelings but doesn’t involve actual people getting raped.
First of all, I would like to say that my comment was not targeted towards you specifically, it was just a general psa, so I'm really sorry if it came off that way.
And second, I am also mature enough to not translate rape fantasies into real life, but not everyone is, that's why I believe that the way rape is presented here is bad. However, I am not shaming anyone who finds it arousing, I'm simply stating that in this story it was not presented appropriately, yet, at least.
Oh, well I don't see anybody justifying rape here. I think lots of miscommunication is happening. Anyways, thanks for commenting.
Honestly, we almost agree but at the same time disagree. You are right tho, we both have shared our opinions so much to the point that we are repeating ourselves. I say let's agree to disagree.
Thank you for responding, it was fun sharing my opinion with others. :)
Last thing, it makes me sad how my other comments that were arguably more thought out and better presented got paid dust while this one got so many replies
I agree that younger audiences might internalize this, which is why I don't think mangago should exist. We forget that we are reading illegal work and these mangas are to be bought, by people of age. It's actually not meant to be easy to read these. So it's not the author's fault.
But yes, let's agree to disagree on the rest.