Recently, someone inquired about my experiences of "touching grass." I'm not excited to delve into that topic and share my insights about what it means to me. Below, I’ll provide a more detailed response to that question.
Ω and what's the other broski's name explained the title is some creative doublespeak and wordplay (ingenuous meanings. They told me to stop projecting any strange assumptions )
w The Profound Benefits of Touching Grass wΩ and what's the other broski's name explained the title is some creative doublespeak and wordplay (ingenuous meanings. They told me to stop projecting any strange as... Gosling Scarlet
La verdad your enthusiasm really drives it home. You're a stella
The two of you are the cleverest
With Seide, obviously
w The Profound Benefits of Touching Grass w
Ω and what's the other broski's name explained the title is some creative doublespeak and wordplay (ingenuous meanings. They told me to stop projecting any strange assumptions )
Shhhh don't say anything
You humor me
She's way too nice
(⌒▽⌒)w wkwtia so
Claude smh
Valid points for wtnlft lessons (⌒▽⌒)w