I'm not die hard joohee x jinwoo fan but there is no chemistry going on between haein and jinwoo like they're so bland like okay a ship is good when they went through hardships together and even that they don't have. dgmw but I love haein she's so silly with her constant crush on him. also when he met joohee at the end and he didn't talk to her it lowkey made me sad

u cant hate her cs theres only smut when the plot is still there, the smut doesnt filter out the plot, also boring fl? i love boring fl rather than those weak fl that couldn't do anything without her daddy whatsoever, i just love the vibe and energy this manhwa gave, and the characters are just so well made and delivered, its so good to the point I NEED TO YELL AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS TO GET YOU BORING BITCHES AWAY AND DONT COME HERE IF YOU DON'T GET SEOHA LIKE I DO
cool concept 2 b able to switch but I was here for submissive top