These comments so wack... Let ppl complain it's a public forum and the story is rapey it's obvious that ppl hate it. Stop normalizing rape scenes in bl hello?!? Ur not special bc u don't mind rape so stop fiction or not bruv

You've gotten mixed up... I think the opposite of you. And fiction does effect ppl believe it or not. Do you not watch a sad movie and cry? And imagine how it is for rape victims trying to have ONE good bl and have to stop reading something comforting to them bc it suddenly became uncomfortable for them to read. It's a rape scene, people are going to get mad about it. Leave them be and stop thinking ur cool bc you like or don't mind the rape scenes. Ur not the victim here but love to whine about the actual victims expressing their discomfort or opinion.

Ohh I guess we have different point of view...for me I don't know it actually cause I never experienced it but I didn't mean I don't care for those who are sensitive to this but this is far from reality and it's a story one created...so I think they shouldn't take it seriously but of cause it's sensitive to some of those but I don't think they have the right to blame the author nor characters cause this is once creation but thanks for your calm reply I'm sorry if I offended you but I guess I simply get used to this kind of situation in yaoi

I don't think this is rape, the hyung is looking forward to it but I guess we all take it differently I'm already a serious person so I decided to keep fiction and reality separate unless it is based on real story but of course not with those fiction simply putting pervert old man and molesters in the story I'm really sorry if I bothered you but I don't think it's rape plus the hyung was looking forward to it and Hayoon was obviously at his limit

It is bc he was black out drunk even when he woke he was still drunk and not in control of his inhibitions. One has serious power over the other...that's considered rape. Both parties have to be sober and in the right mind. I know in bls men have "limits" for some reason which is also weird. Ur not gonna die if you walk away with some blue balls. They can take care of that at home. I know this is a work of fiction and that's a common trope that is used and I think it should be questioned and changed. Idk why it's a reoccurring trope it doesn't have to be. Even spouses in a relationship for years can be raped by their partner if we're talking about how seo is interested in hayoon.

Also you thinking thats not considered rape has me worried. This is why fiction does effect ppl bc the shit was normalized I hope you don't think it's ok for someone to sleep with a drunk person just bc their both interested in each other. Don't let ur partner or your crush sleep with you when youre that drunk just bc you like them that would make them a rapist

Dear fucking God fuck this translator group lmao. They shout at ppl with trauma and call potential rape victims "oversensitive" for simply asking to tag for rape. No one's shaming ur little rape fetish they're just asking u to tag and u have to make a rant before every chapter belittling ur readers for it. Just shut the fuck up. ur the ones looking oversensitive and attention seeking with leaving ur stupid ass comments on EVERYTHING... anyways ...

I found on mangago a similar story to this Fumajimena Kare to Ore no 30 Days (Yaoi)
about a guy who goes to meet with an architect who he thinks is a woman.. But no it's a man a beautiful man who wears women's clothes...Sound familiar??
**I was shocked it was basically the same story plot. Only 5 CHAPTERS. Maybe this wouldn't be do rapey for you.

I agree completely. There’s no need for them to drag it on and make the readers feel like shit. they did nothing to deserve being mocked every chapter. And if they’re such adults, they wouldn’t act like children when they’ve obviously made a mistake. Adding a simple warning and admitting a mistake isn’t hard, but they’re making a big deal out of it. Bullying people for possible trauma is embarrassing.
Y’all should read the novel
Can i ask what chapter it's at?
oooooo could you spoil pls <3 <3 <3
So far it’s caught up to chapter 27 in the novel chapter 30 is nauuuughty but this is shounen ai so it prolly won’t show much bc they’ve already skipped over one other nsfw part I suggest reading it bc it’s a such short read here’s the link if you’d like! https://blackbox-tl.com/novels/so/so-chapter-1/
so basically mu is packing up to go to songs house and song confronts him and asks him if Andrew wasn’t him would he stay with him and mu tried to brush him off and grabbed his things to open the door but song stops him and kisses him and the lights turn back on and song is still in a daze after their done kissing and mus like “what are you thinking about” and songs like “how to bring you home with me” (BRUH ///) and mu is like oh ok let’s go then AJSJJS but mu ends up falling asleep and the next morning he wakes up with songs cold and song nurses him by cooking porridge but he’s kind of bad at it and my is helping him with it and they start fooling around in the kitchen lol and song confesses to mu and tells mu to look for Andrew within him and they go off to the bedroom and mus like “the porridge!” And songs like “what porridge? Come lie down” (they did not have to write song so suave) they started fooling around AGAAIN but song ended up making me take medicine and go to bed and nurses him until they have to go back to school and FINALLY after they go back to school song gives me a ride back to his place and they finally do it lmao song goes back home I think for a while?( I may be remembering wrong) But soon he comes back and they rest of the chapters are basically them smashing and it ends happily ever after
OOOOOOOOOOOOH SPICY OMG im gonna go read that shit tf UPPP thank you <3
Brooo,, please tell me the novel's nameee...
it's called social outcast! op posted the link a couple comments above:
Tysm bb