Black Haze
I’m so excited for the remake as I’ve been waiting for 7+ years but I’m also not excited to wait for it to reach the amount of chapters it has right now.
The Taming of The Tyrant
Personally, I’m honestly really angry at her. I mean I get that she would want to run away. But her plan of revenge was literally to make Dylan ruin the empire itself. So, I don’t know anymore and I’m just disappointed. This is basically, when you make someone all alone and only have them depend on you and then proceeds to abandon them. Their relationship, isn’t healthy at all. A lot of fictional relationships aren’t, and most of the time I don’t care that they aren’t. But, something about this just irks me. Obviously they’ll end up together, I kinda just want to skip to the ending. All I’m feeling is second hand embarrassment. I’m sorry if this offended your personal opinion, or makes you feel sad that I basically invalidated one of your favorite. But this is my opinion, so again I’m sorry. Especially if there was any spelling or grammar errors. If this made sense to you, thank lord. Hopefully, if you don’t like this comment, you’ll be able to forget it quickly.
That Summer (kim Hyun)