Dropped it at like 20 something and
MC just said he doesn't want anyone to know it was him who told the suspect. Then fking answered honestly to the lady that he is the one who snitched like dumbass fuck you could lie your way out of it and girl can't do shit.
Also about the contract like isn't it normal to fking read what you're gonna sign? Like even if you spaced out and got too excited that beyond the point that the motherfuckers just signs it straight up not even a single read just barely glancing.
I know it's traumatizing the bitch out of him when he experience shit but dang motherfuckers too airheaded for shit instead of me liking the MC it's just pissing me off.
The plot is good not gonna lie but the execution is just not it at all.
Though that's just for me. Other says it's good but a meh for me.
Ghurl not just the vibe they have the same VA