Seung eon no matter how much you disagree with the way he does things he is doing his best to try and provide for ji wook and try to have him next to him. Now you might be like this person is crazy seung eon is selfish and manipulative etc
But I have to say you only think that way because you are judging him base on your own standards. Seung eon is the kind of person that has never received loved from his parents or siblings, he was abused by his parent (forgot if it was both of them or just the dad… either way the mum didn’t seem to do shit to stop the father even if she didn’t partake in it she is also responsible) for no reason even when he does well and he was born into the rich family.
First of all the idea that he is selfish .. sure okay I give you that he can come across as that. It’s most likely because of the fact that he was born into a rich family and so he has always financially had money which contribute to him having a more superior mindset since he can financially get the things he wants and so has access to a lot of things but I also don’t think that’s something he can be hold accountable for, since it’s not like he had any say in which family he was gone be born into or how much money he wanted to have.
Now many people might continue disagree and say his selfishness is not about his wealth but his attitude and vocabulary he uses to get his points across but I think a lot of people draw into the conclusion that he is selfish with the statements he has made towards money - like ji wook keeps on hating on him because of that reason - but here is the thing… for him money really doesn’t hold that much value… imagine he has never experienced the lack or has been surrounded by lack so he doesn’t have any understanding of how that can have anything to do with people’s pride or be of such significant.
For Seung eon it’s only natural to say that he will give ji wook money and say them in such insignificant manners that keep hurting ji wook’s pride because money doesn’t mean anything to him. He has it and because he wants to have ji wook around he is willing to give however much to have him next to him.
Seung eon was right in telling Ji wook that he is holding on to his pride meaninglessly. But then I can’t really judge someone’s pride … since to them it hold so much value and most of times when you try to talk about it people get defensive about it.
And also the reason why Seung eon does the things he does in such rushed and desperate way goes back to the idea that he has never felt love, he has never been loved or been viewed as good enough by his own family so now that hr had found someone he has fallen in love with he is trying everything he can irrationally to hold on to them… he even said that because of ji wook he was able to dream and have reason in his life that inheriting the company would be worthwhile if it means he can have ji wook next to him.
Seung eon also has shown that he can easily put aside his pride for ji wook the guy that can have everything with his wealth was willing to go and eat food from the side of the street even when he knew he was gone get indigestion after it… he comes lives with ji wook instead of his place because his level of comfort is not about the location but rather having the person he likes next to him.
I don’t want to sound like I’m romanticising Seung eon because by no mean is his perfect. But at least he has been true to his feelings from the start… he has shown that he can listen to ji wook when he was asked to and he was mature enough to give ji wook space when he asked for it.
Ji wook never really tried to understand Seung eon but instead hold him accountable for the fact that he is rich and has the things Ji wook is lacking when to Seung eon does things mean nothing in comparison to feelings of love and a being loved.
I have said this before and I say it again I think my issue with Ji wook is not that he doesn’t accept his difference with Seung eon cause at the end of the day it’s up to him to decide if he wants any part in this relationship or not but it’s the matter of fact that he holds on to his meaningless pride when it hurts both himself and Seung eon’s feelings. And also the fact that he send mix message to Seung eon … like boy stop playing with both of your hearts and allow yourself to feel loved.
His in ability to be truthful to his own feeling and his lack of willingness to understand Seung Ron’s character is some aspects that I do not like about his personality.
But despite all of that I like them both and I’m rooting for their development. It’s just that I think these issues were not resolved even until the end of the manhwa since base on chapter 1 Seung eon most likely did something he thinks was a good deed for ji wook’s sake while ji wook seems to still be holding on to his pride and actions like a victim.
2021-05-26 19:32 marked
I’m sorry but …