Dove_YAoi's experience ( All 0 )

Dove_YAoi's answer ( All 4 )

@xendlessxstxrsx   reply
24 06,2021
Jamaica : )   reply
20 05,2021
Florida Man Steals Pool Floats For Sex ‘Instead Of Raping Women,’ :/   reply
18 05,2021
Make a part 2 please :(   reply
14 05,2021

Dove_YAoi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did have a weird or unusual dream

I dreamt about falling from a high cliff by jumping off willingly while and fearing for the safety of my family and friends. It was vivid.

1 minutes
did prayed for coronavirus to stop

If your parents are surgeons or in the medical field, or any close family members are frontline essential workers, know that I did pray.

6 minutes
did tried to kill yourself

It was because I thought life was harsh on me, I was very young and how the society works was already eating me up.

2 hours