Straight men: Tsuneo suzukawa from josee the tiger and the fish, Naomi Katagaki from Hello world, Shotaro Futaba from Bakuten: Do I like gentlemen? fluffy? dark hair characters? YES ? I beileve in cute guys supremacy, cute guys are better than handsome guys for me T^T Choose MEEEE This might looksome cringey meme but if you've watched the movie U ......
I think i take the cake here for the most amount of painful experiences not sure about injuries but, had an anal fissure after i was assaulted when i was younger, had to be sent home from school the next day because i was crying in pain. Dislocated my pinky on the bus and had to be taken to the hospital, my sister instigated me into running into a ......
I’d this friend, who’s I liked the most, really liked her, i can’t even put it into words, but she left me and treated me like a nobody, for almost no reason!... after 4 years she apologized for what she did, it wasn’t an honest apology,I couldn’t say anything but, after she left me , i was heartbroken to the point that I couldn’t trust......
Don’t have unrealistic expectations, a partner is a person and not your shortcut to the easy life. Consider what you bring to the table. Be honest with yourself over this one. Don’t choose a “fixer upper” coz no, he/she won’t change for you. Avoid partners who hate the parent of the same sex as you. Look for someone who you can be f......
well I only like honest and good ppl so I literally fist went out with her/him/etc. and saw how their behavior towards to others normal ppl or animals (because I am animals lover) if they rude then that person is also not good enough for me too but if that person is truly love me so first I tell them also don't rude others and try to change your ba......
I'm married to my husband for years and he's cheating on me with some twink so I get revenge by getting leukemia then dying and fucking the doctor next door
Once when I decided to go to a Dollar Tree with my grandma we went to the back to get some frozen items like ice cream, chilled coffee, tv dinners and such and there was this grown man talking about finding someone and killing them n shit for touching his wife, we both then realized that mf was NOT on the phone, he was straight up talking to himsel......
i noticed that i usually talk about negative things this time i'll talk about something positive. i've always wanted to cut my hair but i was too scared to actually do it myself so i got my sisters to do it instead. it was the first time i actually got real pure confidence about how i look. my hair used to be really long and it usually went in fron......
I've been reading Yaoi for 2 years, and I've surprisingly never been caught by anyone (as I know of). It's now turned into an addiction for me and I'm probably not going to stop anytime soon. When I do read Yaoi and I'm near family, my back is always towards a wall and I sit very low. I have had many cases where I almost got caught. Like I fell asl......
Bruh I'd rather do this random person's school work than my own
In my freshman year Spanish class I had to make a slide show introducing all of my family members. Instead of putting pictures of my family in the slideshow, I put characters from Haikyuu. Worst of all... I put Kenma as my husband, I want to kill freshman me. The entire class saw this presentation.
Who is your type? And would you date them irl?