2017-02-07 22:27 marked

I did a quick glance-and-translate over the raw extras. I'm omitting a couple of the smaller dialogues and all SFXs, and I'll no doubt have made a lot of mistakes. I'd love to do a complete scanlate and release, but I don't want to get in the way of the original scanlation team. Basically, the four 4-koma extras are of the gay couples talking about baby-making and -rearing.
Story 1 - "Task Delegation":
[Big sis gave birth to twin girls]
Ako -- ((Since you're on winter break, watch over the girls for me - big sis needs to work after all))
Masayuki -- "I wonder if Ako-san would give me one of the twins~, child A or child B?" ((How cu---te))
Keisuke -- "Don't label my nieces like they're medical patients for research."
Masayuki -- ((beautious "ikemen" smile)) "Children A and B, wouldn't you like to become my children?"
Keisuke -- "...rather than becoming a doctor, don't you think it'd be better for you to open a daycare center?" ***image not clear - can't read handwritten dialogue***
Masayuki -- ***not sure about translation*** "But wouldn't you get jealous, since the daycare would take both your nieces and your boyfriend~?"
Story 2 - "Physician–Patient Confidentiality":
Masayuki -- "Her diaper was just changed...maybe she's hungry?"
Keisuke -- "Go defrost the breastmilk that's in the freezer, and make sure you hold her securely or else she won't drink"
Masayuki -- "You'd make a great mother, Kei"
Keisuke -- "I thought so, too, though I hate the idea"
Masayuki -- "Then should we also try our best tonight?"
Keisuke -- "It's pointless to even try since I can't get pregnant. Now stop it, not in front of the girls."
Masayuki -- "Keisuke......for what reason do you think I chose to go to medical school?" ((It's a new area of drug research))
Keisuke -- "DEFINITELY NOT FOR MAKING ME PREGNANT, YOU DEGENERATE MEDICAL INTERN." ***image not clear - can't read handwritten dialogue***
Story 3 - "Shinohara + α":
Keisuke -- ((I'm ho-me)) "Masa~, how was watching the girls on your own?"
Keisuke -- "Hey, Masayu-..."
[For just a split second, Keisuke thought that he wouldn't mind giving birth...]
Story 4 - " Bar OSSAN" or "Bar of Middle-Aged Men":
Hosaka -- "Twin girls, huh~? Must be tough."
Katsumi -- "Well, since they're small, they're still cute no matter what they do"
Katsumi -- ***not sure about translation*** "Though if it were twin boys, they'd still be lovable even when they hit the dreaded puberty"
Aramaki -- ***not sure about translation*** "Well maybe for you guys."
Katsumi -- "Sensei~, I bet that if you had kids, you'd be the overprotective type of parent"
Aramaki -- "Of course. Though rather than pubescent children, I've already my hands full with a 'lovable little brat'"
Katsumi -- "You mean me?!"
Hosaka -- "Hmm...well, Haruomi-kun, I wonder when you will bear my son?" ***double meaning for Hosaka's penis***
Haruomi -- "When you stop speaking like a perverted old man."
2017-03-05 00:21 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2017-07-12 02:15 marked
Reading this makes me want to Kill ---To Kill Sangwoo! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍