Mitsu chan created a topic of Our Sunny Days

i would bash everyone who hate this from now on i wouldn't care bout their opinions

Mitsu chan created a topic of Slammer Dogs

eeww the kiss after the puke wtf

Mitsu chan created a topic of Lightning Degree

Fck I'm tired ofr waiting for him to reveal his face

Mitsu chan created a topic of Kumo desu ga, nani ka?

why this dif from the anime??got confused but liked anyways the anime is confusing me a bit

Mitsu chan created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

y'all tell me there is no ml in this manga and even if there is it's better not the guy whom i heard keep sleeping around please y'all tell me

Not me still waiting for yuria to fight in her adult form like why dya kep fighting in a child form

Mitsu chan created a topic of Absolute Sword Sense

father-in-law detroy the genre harem in this!

hope the orcs will completely destroy the empire because i just want those smug face of his looks completely in despair

Mitsu chan created a topic of Craters Thinks

bro can't get rest everyone just wants to kill him(or maybe even use him)

Mitsu chan created a topic of Our Sunny Days


Mitsu chan created a topic of Ogeha

i love the character development of the dude but making her kill her own spicies

the isekai hero is so useless wdym you let all of this happen by a noble women???You even let the dragon to be chained up tsk

Mitsu chan created a topic of BIBLIOMANIA

So she's a reader just like us